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Greatshells and Spren in Gemhearts


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So, while I was reading in the coppermind, I noticed some people thought chasmfiends were early versions of Thunderclasts. Later, while I was reading about spren, it said in Navani's notebook that you trapped some spren, like coldspren and heatspren, to make a fabrial work. This means spren can inhabit gems. So, do you think a voidspren could inhabit the gemheart of a greatshell to control and transform it into a voidbringer? And do the gems have to be a certain shape for spren to inhabit it, or just to trap it inside so it can't come out?

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Fabrials need to be of the correct shape, however the spren of a greatshell seem to follow them instead of being inside its gemheart, meaningbthe connection may work more similarly to the nahel bond.

As for greatshells being thunderclasts, I myself find the idea ridiculous, as the only similarity between both is the arrowlike head. If I remember correctly, thunderclasts had clawec hands, not pincer claws, and were described as being skeletal in shape.

And WoR confirmed they arise from the stone itself, possessed by a corrupted facelike spren and a human shaped being made of shadows, possibly a listener form.

EDIT: Althought I agree Odium may be able to corrupt some kinds of greatshell.

Edited by DreamEternal
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I don't have time to find the right WoB.


But someone asked to BS if the ThunderClasts was GreatShell's corpse reanimated by his VoidSpren. He said no, and that the Thunderclast are made by Animated Rock.

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