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Because I can't be the only Brandon fan out there who plays WoW. :D So that begs the question: who here does, and what do you play? I'm on Aggramar, and I play a Night Elf Druid (Balance spec). I also have more alts than I can count of various races and classes, but the Druid is my main.

Also, what are your opinions of what we've been shown of Cataclysm so far? Pretty crazy stuff if you ask me. Though I'm going to miss running around old Azeroth...

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Indeed it does. Also, go Balance Druids! ;)

My husband preordered Collector's Editions of Cataclysm for us, but I won't be able to play it right away because he selected in-store pickup.... at the store near the base where he's stationed. Meaning he'll have to mail me my copy. Oops. XD

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Kids, wife, work, and school made me quit playing WoW. Not that I regret quiting at all. I was losing way to much time with all the things that were important to me to that game.  It was fun though. I still remember barely missing the realm first kill of Algalon with mu guild. We missed it by an hour. That sucked! I played all 3 specs of my druid. 

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Yay more WoW players. I play two characters mostly, a warlock on Lightbringer, Aspherion, that I do PvE with, and I have a DK that I PvP with, also on the same server, named Kelsier  ;D It's cool when people in BGs or elsewhere randomly recognize the name and we'll have a brief chat about how awesome the books are =P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I keep meaning to roll on Emerald Dream so I can bug you, Nerual. :( Because RealID doesn't distract us enough when we're both online. XD

And Leinton, what are your thoughts on the Eclipse system (beside the fact that you like it)? I have to admit, I've been worried about how it's going to affect my spell rotation.

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It's really good. First of all, the eclipse buffs lasts for 45 seconds, so we finally can keep up while moving. Second of all, it's just a damage buff now, so we don't have a super ultra low crit cap. The rotation is a little more complex, though. It looks like you now always keep moonfire up, keep insect swarm up on solar eclipse, use starsurge on CD, and switch between wrath and starfire pretty often. When you're casting, you use up the buffs pretty quickly, so it's not spammy. I don't know how our dps is right now though, I don't have any addons on the PTR.

My only complaint is that your spells that benefit from eclipse light up when you have that eclipse. It's kind of annoying.

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Ah. See, that kind of throws a kink into my rotation, with Glyph of Moonfire and Glyph of Starfire. I was getting a pretty wicked damage output just by putting up Insect Swarm and Moonfire, then spamming Starfire. If Moonfire wears off before I can pop off a Wrath and THEN another Starfire, it kind of negates the point of having those glyphs.

Time to restrategize, I suppose.

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This is true. I still don't like having Blizzard mandate my spell rotation for me, though, so hopefully Druid glyphs will still allow for some gameplay customization.

Game design mandates everyone's rotations, though.

Also, Leinton, there are going to be three kinds of glyphs. Major glyphs will just boost damage, prime glyphs will be more unique effects (like some of the major glyphs on live), and minor glyphs will remain minor effects.

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