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Skaa, as High Prelan, I'm going to have to inform the Inquisition about your Compounding.

May the Dark Alley have mercy on your Spiritweb.

Okay, please, someone explain what the Dark Alley is. I made the mistake of Googling it once (and I am serious, do not look it up, it's nothing special, but it's something that most of you probably don't want to see, take my word on it) and I got jack diddly squat useful. I've seen the term on the shard and been confused as to what it is. Some sort of Faction? I dunno. Halp!


EDIT: Oh, HA! I feel a fool now. At this point in time, the topic directly underneath this one is asking this same question, what the dark alley is. Derp.

Edited by Plaeggs
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EDIT: Oh, HA! I feel a fool now. At this point in time, the topic directly underneath this one is asking this same question, what the dark alley is. Derp.


Don't worry, happens to me all the time.

But seriously, you should know this as an Ardent. You shouldn't be relying on Gyorns for all this info.


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