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God metals

King's Twit

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This is small, and probably nothing, but I wanted to see if others think it may have implications.


Its been established that allomantic atium is similar to electrum, only, with atium, one sees slightly into the future of everything and everyone else, and electrum shows only your own future. atium has other effects as well, but for now I don't believe they are relevant.


lerasium is, I would suggest, similar to duralumin.


Duralumin pushes on your connection to Preservation, expanding it like air in a balloon and allowing you to channel much more investiture through yourself at a time, which produces the effect of burning all of a metal in one massive flare. It apparently only works for metals which are already burning, "channels to Preservation" which are already open. Duralumin is even the feruchemical Connection metal.


lerasium, then, is also a "push," or expansion, on your connection to Preservation, but permanent and seemingly not restricted to previously "open channels" like duralumin is. Duralumin pulls on your connection to Preservation from within the limits or context of your spiritweb (or sDNA, are those the same thing?), and lerasium pulls on the connection from outside of the spiritweb, and so is not restricted in the same way.


(side thought: We know that Hoid took a lerasium bead with the intention of using it to become a mistborn, but has since changed his mind. What if he chose to not use the bead because he couldn't figure out how to burn it, because he does not have the connection to Preservation that Scadriens have, and so has nothing to "pull" on?)



Here is where it starts to get extra tinfoily.



Once I saw this analogy (atium is to electrum as lerasium is to duralumin), another connection appeared. Both electrum and duralumin are internal pushing metals, and atium and lerasium are expansions (possibly externalizations) of their effects. Could this be a hint at the allomantic effects of Harmonium? What if Harmonium is related to the mental internal pushing metal, bronze. Bronze lets one hear allomantic pulses, so it is somehow related to the ability to sense Investiture. What if Harmonium reveals all kinds of Investiture, rather than only allomancy? Allomancy beats like a drum. What if every system of magic has a unique sound, and burning Harmonium allows you to fully hear the 'symphony', the harmony of the Cosmere?


It's just a thought and almost certainly nothing, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway. Thanks for reading!

Edited by The King's Twit
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Interesting parallel!


A few thoughts:

  • The god metals break all the rules, making extrapolations hard. A base metal is always a Pulling metal in Allomancy, while its alloy is a Pushing metal, but atium is seemingly a Pushing metal by itself. I'm not sure if lerasium is a Pushing metal or not, or even if thinking of the god metals in terms of Pushing/Pulling makes sense. (I don't like the terms "Pushing/Pulling" and think they're badly named. It is not altogether obvious that electrum/gold are Pushing/Pulling respectively.)
  • We don't know if Hoid changed his mind on his lerasium bead. He originally got it to become a Mistborn, and later is shown to be a Mistborn. That's some pretty heavy evidence right there that he ate at least some of his bead. (My favorite theory is that he ate half and kept the other half as a metalmind.)
  • Allomantic bronze can already be used to detect other magic systems! Any "Kinetic" Investiture can be sensed with bronze. The whole cymatics thing on Roshar and the Parshendi singing and the Aons in Sel having a "pulse width" implies that all magic in the Cosmere is in some sense related to waves/pulses.
  • Skaa had a similar post finding parallels between the two god metals here.
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I thought there was a WoB confirming that he hadn't used it, and in my search I discovered this




Is Wit/Hoid an Allomancer?
He did steal a bead of Lerasium off of Scadrial. If he were to make use of that bead, certain powers would have been gained.


So Hoid apparently could use the bead, if he hasn't already, contradicting my guess that he couldn't use it.


Brandon saying "certain powers" instead of allomancy stands out to me. It could just be that he is being coy like he often is with Cosmere questions, but what if it actually can give other powers, possibly based on whatever other pieces of Shards you may have in your spiritweb.

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By 'other powers', I take that to mean Feruchemy. We don't know how someone becomes a Feruchemist, though the facts of Hoid having, at one time, a bead of Lerasium, as well as WoB-confirmed Feruchemy, suggest that he used the bead to somehow get Feruchemy as well as Allomancy.

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Brandon saying "certain powers" instead of allomancy stands out to me. It could just be that he is being coy like he often is with Cosmere questions, but what if it actually can give other powers, possibly based on whatever other pieces of Shards you may have in your spiritweb.


There is indeed a WoB suggesting you can rewrite your sDNA with lerasium, if you have the know-how:

17th Shard

If a Mistborn burns lerasium, as in, not just ingests it, what effect would it grant Allomantically?

Brandon Sanderson

That is a RAFO. It would do something, but the thing you've gotta remember is that, when ingesting lerasium for the first time and gaining the powers, your body is actually burning it. Think of lerasium as a metal anyone can burn. Does that make sense?


It does.


By burning it you gain access to those powers. It rewrites your spiritual DNA, and there are ways to do really cool things with lerasium that I don't see how anyone would know. Were most Mistborn to just burn it, it would rewrite their genetic code to increase their power as an Allomancer.



The WoB you're probably thinking of about Hoid not eating his lerasium is this one:


The Lord Ruler, he had his Lerasium beads, did he use them for Feruchemy?

Brandon Sanderson

[impish grin] Ah ha ha ha. The Lord Ruler, heh heh heh, That is an excellent question.


Not going to answer?

Brandon Sanderson

Not going to answer that one.


Would you answer if Hoid used it for Feruchemy?

Brandon Sanderson

His bead? Hoid’s bead was—He originally got it because he wanted to be an Allomancer. [Note that he doesn’t actually answer the question.]


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