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Can I ask my question again, since it never got answered? If a Soulcaster (either fabrial or Surgebinder) were to Soulcast something into ice (normal frozen water), would they use a garnet for blood and non-oil liquids, or diamond for crystals?

Can a soulcaster change stone to ice? We see Jasna change someone to fire, but I am not convinced that soulcasters can change the temperature of what they are changing.

If they can change it then they wohave of use a diamond. Many of the gems are actually the same thing in a slightly different configuration or some other chemically insignificant difference (how they hardened/crystallized) yet soulbinding cares what they LOOK like more then what they ARE. So it wouldn't care that ice is water, it doesn't look like it, it looks like a crystal so it is treated like a crystal.


So, I went back to the original, and decided that color was enough to differentiate them. Just as steel and iron are very similar in the Mistborn world, emerald and heliodor can be very similar—but produce different effects. The idea here is that the physical items (like the metals or the crystals) provide a key by which magical interaction occurs.

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On the "can someone basic lash towards an object" question, the Ars Arcanum says the following:


A basic Lashing involved revoking a being's or object's spiritual gravitational bond to the planet below, instead temporarily linking that being or object to a different object or direction.

It is not stated clearly but for me the wording does imply that a kind of homing effect would be possible, given that the effect is effectively the same as the original bond with the planet.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Given that gravity isn't really so much a pull as it is the object itself changing the shape of space-time around it, it seems to me that perhaps Reverse Lashing actually makes a change to the warp of space-time around the object it's attached to.

I think that's the basics of it. If I'm remembering realmatics correctly, when Kaladin "pulled" the arrows towards him it was through a reverse lash, and assuming the cosmere follows our same laws and theories of physics, Kaladin increases either his own space-time warp (gravity), or the shields. I actually tend to think it is his own, and the arrows are pulled towards his center of mass, which the shield blocks. I imagine it similar to pulling metals with Allomancy, minus the magnetism.

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Then he'd be impaled with a thousand arrows in his center of mass instead of the arrows all going into a bridge above his head.

I mean what's the point of putting stormlight into an object if nothing actually happens to the object itself?

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