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The Alphas


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So I started watching The Alphas yesterday, and it is a fantastic. It's kind of a mashup of a superhero and cop show. Think Legion, but with a team of people who have powers instead of just Leeds.

It's balancing episodic vs seasonal plot really well so far, which I love.

Any other fans? I'm only about half way through the first season, but I'm binging it bad.

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Sounds fun. How is it, content wise?

There's been one night over that was easy to skip, language is actually really pretty mild, and violence isn't too bad. The worst violence I can think of is one episode where the villain can cause violent mobs but the camera mostly just shows people swinging their arms around.

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The content level has hopped up a bit, for any curious. I'm only a few episodes into the second season, I've been busy this week and had other entertainment that I wanted to get to first. It's still not too bad, on par with Leverage and Sherlock maybe.

So far I'm not liking the second season as much just because everyone is so angry, but they Should be really and it could totally change.

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