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A theory on Edgedancer Positioning [WoR spoilers]


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Alright, I have a theory on which Order the Edgedancers were, and consequently on pinning down three of the Surges.


To start out with, note that Edgedancers have so far demonstrated two powers which all but certainly come from different surges: Regrowth and friction-manipulation. This means that one of the Edgedancer Surges is whichever one grants Regrowth. Furthermore, remember that we know the other order that gets Regrowth is the Stonewardens, and since only adjacent orders can share Surges, the Edgedancers must be either Order 8 or Order 10.


However, we have another clue. The Ars Arcanum for WoK indicates that the Windrunners referred to their two Surges as Gravity and Adhesion. This makes it highly probable (not certain, but probable), that the Slickness power of Edgedancers and the Full Lashing of Windrunners derive from the same surge, which would make Edgedancers the Tenth Order.


Therefore, I propose the following classification. Order Nine (Stonewardens) share the surge that grants Regrowth with Order Ten (Edgedancers) who share the Surge of Adhesion with Order One (Windrunners) who share the Surge of Gravity with Order Two (Unknown).


Thoughts? Comments?

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We already know the Edgedancer's position. They're Order 4, and as for the surge of Growth, it's shared from orders 4-5. Friction is 3-4, and is seperate from Ahesion, also known as Atmospheric Pressure. All of this is already on the Coppermind AFAIK, so you can read up on everything there. Brandon told us all the surges except for one, which is shared by Orders 8-9. We also know all the Order names and placements except for Orders 5, 8, and 10.

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Sorry, but you're a bit off.


Edgedancers are Order 4 with Growth and Friction, indicating that the Stormwarden in the WoK interlude was using a fabrial.





EDIT: NINJAAAA!  :ph34r:

Edited by Kurkistan
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I linked to it above, but the long and short of it is that karaokeang is a beast and basically sat down with Brandon at a signing to get the majority of the orders/surges labeled and/or confirmed on a chart she'd brought, with that chart annotated based on info from another signing.

Edited by Kurkistan
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