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Finally decided to join

~ Syl ~

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So I've been reading through the forums here on 17th shard for over a year. I never really have anything to say about things, but I figured I might as well get an account, since I have been lurking on the site for a while. So, hi!


I'm a huge fan of Brandon's books and have read all of them so far except for the Wheel of Time books. I was introduced to his books in 2011 when I picked up The Way of Kings at the airport on a school trip to Costa Rica. I really was just looking for something to read on the plane, since I forgot to bring a book of my own, and The Way of Kings looked interesting. I spent a significant portion of my vacation time reading the book and was almost finished with it when the school trip ended a week later. Ever since then, I have been hooked.

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Welcome, have an upvote.


I rarely have anything to say either, I just creep people out, make bad jokes and sometimes post my opinions on the theories of others.


So... what kind of Twinborn would you be?


Thanks. I don't really know what Twinborn I would be. If I were a misting, I'd probably be a tineye. That way I could spy on people without them even knowing. 



Welcome to the forums!

Would you like a cookie?


I do like cookies, but I think the kind offered here might not be so good. Maybe I'll take it to give to unsuspecting enemies.



Congratulations to both of you. Syl, I'm assuming from what you've probably heard, you now that you probably don't want to take the cookie. I hope you both enjoy it here.


So I have heard. But I'll take the cookie anyway.

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Thanks. I don't really know what Twinborn I would be. If I were a misting, I'd probably be a tineye. That way I could spy on people without them even knowing. 




I do like cookies, but I think the kind offered here might not be so good. Maybe I'll take it to give to unsuspecting enemies.




So I have heard. But I'll take the cookie anyway.

Twinborn is the name used for someone who has both an Allomantic and Feruchemical power from the Wax and Wayne series.


Edit: Sorry, I misread that as you saying you didn't know what a Twinborn was. Nevermind.

Edited by Herald of Lore
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  • 3 weeks later...

I did the same thing Syl. I've been told I have an abrasive personality, and I like arguing and making everyone question everything, so I waited over a year to make an account and say anything. People are so nice on this forum that I was extremely afraid of making someone angry with me ( and usually I couldnt care less about that), considering this is the only place I find other BS fans I can talk to.

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