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My theorey about Hoid and Preservation


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So, for this theory I will be mainly referencing The Coppermind: Preservation, Intent, and Hoid.

So. The main part of my theory is as follows: Hoid once was affected by the shard Preservation, he never held it, we know that because "the shards ruin and preservation were drawn to each other." So, I'm not sure how he was moulded by the shard but, he was.

For my first piece of evidence, I will cite the Coppermind page on Hoid, more specifically: Abilities: "Extremely long life and time dilation" this quote shows that Hoid is being Preserved by something, because while other characters show long life, it is because of breath, while Hoid has breath, the power of breath doesn't also come with time dilation, and here they are in the same "ability. Secondly, another ability Hoid has is "Regeneration" this is similar evidence, but not as strong. And for my final price of major evidence, and the thing that got me thinking about this, "inability to hurt others - Hoid cannot easily kill people "because of curtain things in his past."." This is the most important part of my theory, because no character that I know of has this specific inability. It is also one half of preservation's intent.

That was the evidence, and almost at the end of my theory, I bring up a quote from the Intent section of the Coppermind "a shard's intent can warp the personality of it's holder" we know preservation's intent (to preserve, just in case there are some people who don't know) and this intent seems to be almost, personified in Hoid's abilities (as well as inabilities)

So. In conclusion: Hoid cannot hurt, be. Hurt, and he might not even be able to die. I don't know how this happened, but I can assume that preservation (the shard, not the shardbearer) had something to do with it

Note: this is my first theory, so I'm not the best at formatting and stuff, so, I would really appreciate tips and stuff in the comments.

Edited by Topaz
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There is a problem with this theory.

You had right about that the Shard warp the personality of the holder but once you had no more the Shard this warp progressly vanish.

We know a Sliver of Preservation and he had no problem with killing or be killed (RIP Rashek).


Again there isn't anything more than a Sliver (unless to be a current Shardholder) about "bein affect by a Shard.

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Biggest problem I have with this is that we have Preservation's track record accounted for. Leras held it up until the events in the Mistborn Trilogy, and I doubt that the Shard could have affected him much without him actually holding it. Hoid, if you pay attention, is packed full of various different types of Investiture. This makes it harder for other magics to tamper with him, spiritually, and it accounts for his long life-span and such. We know it's incredibly hard to kill a surgebinder that has access to Stormlight. Harder still to kill a gold compounder. Hoid is suspected to be from Yolen, where I'm sure they have something just as hard to kill. I don't doubt his form of magic stems from Adonalsium directly. I'm rather fond of the theory that he is a splinter of Adonalsium, and not actually "human." This would also explain his inability to harm others, if he was something akin to an Adonalsium 'spren'.


So while you are on the right track with Hoid's sturdiness, I just doubt it has anything to do with Preservation. Heh. Just had a thought. What if he is just a cognitive splinter wearing an aluminum shell for a body. :ph34r:

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Biggest problem I have with this is that we have Preservation's track record accounted for. Leras held it up until the events in the Mistborn Trilogy, and I doubt that the Shard could have affected him much without him actually holding it. Hoid, if you pay attention, is packed full of various different types of Investiture. This makes it harder for other magics to tamper with him, spiritually, and it accounts for his long life-span and such. We know it's incredibly hard to kill a surgebinder that has access to Stormlight. Harder still to kill a gold compounder. Hoid is suspected to be from Yolen, where I'm sure they have something just as hard to kill. I don't doubt his form of magic stems from Adonalsium directly. I'm rather fond of the theory that he is a splinter of Adonalsium, and not actually "human." This would also explain his inability to harm others, if he was something akin to an Adonalsium 'spren'.


So while you are on the right track with Hoid's sturdiness, I just doubt it has anything to do with Preservation. Heh. Just had a thought. What if he is just a cognitive splinter wearing an aluminum shell for a body. :ph34r:

Thank you for replying, I like the idea of him being part of andoalsium, and that even accounts for his other powers, and all of his quotes concerning like the Gibeltesh one and the one about "creating" a story.

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Hoid's known abilities:


Yolesh Feruchemy

Yolesh Lightweaving

Allomancy (most likely)

Second Heightening



Did I miss anything?

Maybe just his "Soul Healing" (I had no idea of how call it).


PS: We don't know if the Hoid's Feruchemy is a Scadrial version or an ipotetical "Yolish version"

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YOLISH feruchemy? Where do you get that from?

Just to state why I believe it's Yolish and not from Scadrial.


Hoid has been around a long time.  He was there at the shattering.


Preservation and Ruin created the human population on Scadrial,  this means that it happened after the shattering.


Scadrial Feruchemy is genetic in the Terris people,  the only ones who have it without hemalurgy.


Hoid is not therefore Terris,  and I don't believe he spiked several keepers and became a version of an inquisitor.


Therefore I believe his feruchemy comes from Yolen.

Edited by Charononus
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Scadrial Feruchemy is genetic in the Terris people,  the only ones who have it without hemalurgy.


Hoid is not therefore Terris,  and I don't believe he spiked several keepers and became a version of an inquisitor.

Also the Allomancy is genetic but comes by "somewhere" (a precise Preservation's design). Just because we don't know how the Terris people obtain the Feruchemy. it doesn't mean that there isn't a way to obtain it.

Brandon states that "Originally Feruchemy came from Preservation" and many theories risen to try to explain the Feruchemy's origin.

(For example you may find the mine in my Signature)

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I don't think we can assume Hoid's feruchemy originated anywhere but Scadrial. He obtained his alomancy we assume from the lerasium bead he took from the well of ascension. I'd say the only power we can be sure came from Yolen is his lightweaving(?) and world hopping, right?

Sorry forgot a sentence, I assume his feruchemy was obtained on Scadrial as well in some way, maybe similar to the lerasium beads?

Edited by iBambam
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I believe that there is a WoB somewhere that states that any amount of Investiture, no matter how small, will eventually change a personality over time.* I can't find it anywhere, though. That being said, I think that this is fairly sound theory. Whether the Investiture is from Preservation or not, I'm not so sure, but it seems likely. 

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