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Who is Tarah? Kaladin's wife?


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Frankly, I can't see how you can't see how they are related.  I doubt she has the required medical knowledge to do it, but that doesn't mean is not possible.  Give Kaladin's father access and some lessons in how a fabrial works, and I imagine you would see some miracles.

I am curious as to how you are able to specifically disregard information from the books. Shallan specifically states that most Soulcasters only have very limited and specific usages. While this might yet prove not to be entirely correct, you fail to provide any evidence to suggest so.


In addition Soulcasting seems to have nothing to do with healing, as its nature is changing one specific thing to another, not healing or mending only a part of something. Soulcasting is based upon the shared Surge of the Elsecaller and Lightweaver Orders, and there is another surge for specifically meant for healing. While the "Starfalls" chapter shows that there are (/were) fabrials that could heal, I sincerely doubt that the Soulcasting fabrials can be used as such.


EDIT: And as a friendly reminder, you should refrain from double-posting, as it is against the rules of the forum. Use the edit function instead.

Edited by Aether
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Economics.  The same reason that armies even today don't have full body protection for each soldier or a surgeon in each unit.  They are continuously throwing away the lives of their soldiers in a stalemate much like WW1.  Why spend the money or effort to heal someone that stands a high likely hood of being killed on the next run.  If Dalinar were to suffer a serious wound, there would probably be several things being used to bring him back to whole.


Well if for Economic reasons, if they aren't going to heal wounds of injured lighteyes, they aren't going to use a soulcaster to remove healed scars from a darkeyed man captain or not.


But I'm still not convinced soulcasting is used for healing. Healing the flesh of a person is very different from turning trash to metal, or cloth to stone. The human skin is a far more complex organ than I think you realize.


There is another reason I doubt soulcasting can be used to heal scars, but I can't discuss it in this forum.

Edited by eveorjoy
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Well, damnation, I hope she's not the lady for Kaladin. I'm pulling for Kaladin and Shallan (two major characters, around the same age, opposite genders? Yes.). Also, it would be full-circle redemption against his hate for light-eyes. Couple that with the fact that Shallan's family isn't high-ranking anyway. I see it happening. Maybe I'm just hopeful :P

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Kaladin and Shallan!? No way haha they are too different in every regard. I'm putting my money on Shallan and Renarin! They seem made for eachother. It's going to be great ;)

Edited by Grimm
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Why would a difficult situation arise?


Because Kaladin would want to spear Amaram in the leg? I think Kaladin can control himself.


Because Amaram might betray Dalinar? Based on his experience with Sadeas, Dalinar already knows that is possible, that's the reason he only trusts his men and the Bridgemen.


In the end Kaladin's issues with Amaram are personal and therefore Kaladin has no obligation to tell Dalinar anything unless he asks.




So you don't think that the head of Dalinar's body guards, the guy in charge of the safety of Dalinar and his family, should give any warning when an issue with dangerous legal, political, and military implications comes up?  This isn't just a personal issue for Kalidin.  Stealing a set of shards then murdering to cover it up isn't a trivial crime even for lighteyes.  The potential for this to blow up in some really bad ways is pretty obvious.  Saying some variant of well-you-didn't-ask probably wouldn't fly very well after the fact.


As for issues of trust between Kaladin and Dalinar.  Well Dalinar just gave up his shard blade for the bridgemen and placed the lives of his family into Kaladin's hands.  If that isn't enough for Kaladin to trust Dalinar then I'm not sure what would be enough.  Oh and Syl thinks Dalinar is a good man.

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So you don't think that the head of Dalinar's body guards, the guy in charge of the safety of Dalinar and his family, should give any warning when an issue with dangerous legal, political, and military implications comes up?  This isn't just a personal issue for Kalidin.  Stealing a set of shards then murdering to cover it up isn't a trivial crime even for lighteyes.  The potential for this to blow up in some really bad ways is pretty obvious.  Saying some variant of well-you-didn't-ask probably wouldn't fly very well after the fact.


As for issues of trust between Kaladin and Dalinar.  Well Dalinar just gave up his shard blade for the bridgemen and placed the lives of his family into Kaladin's hands.  If that isn't enough for Kaladin to trust Dalinar then I'm not sure what would be enough.  Oh and Syl thinks Dalinar is a good man.


Yes it is a major crime, which Kaladin has no proof of. You can't accuse someone for something so serious without proof. Doing so would not only cause troubles for Kaladin, but likely Dalinar and, then by extension, the bridgemen.


Dalinar is in a very shaky position. He didn't take Kaladin and his Bridgemen on just because he thought they were awesome, but because he was desperate for men he believed he could trust. Many of the other princes think Dalinar is nuts and will only believe this more as he tries to enforce the codes. We he succeed, I don't know.


I think Kaladin will come to admire and trust him more and more because of what he will see. I also think Kaladin isn't going to want to burden Dalinar with a matter that is legally closed. As far as everyone believes, including members of Bridge Four, Amaram won his shards. Kaladin hasn't told anyone because I'm sure he doubts anyone would believe him. He may tell Dalinar at some point, but because there really isn't anything Dalinar can do and it might even make Kaladin look bad in Dalinar's eyes, at first he won't say anything.


What good would it do for Kaladin to tell Dalinar? He can't prove what Amaram did to Dalinar, and even if Dalinar believed him there is nothing Dalinar could do to help.

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What good would it do for Kaladin to tell Dalinar? He can't prove what Amaram did to Dalinar, and even if Dalinar believed him there is nothing Dalinar could do to help.


Given that it appears that both Dalinar and Kaladin are likely to have interactions in the immediate future it is beholden for him to inform Dalinar that he has a prior relationship with Amaram.  He doesn't even have to tell the truth.  The "official" line would be good enough.  It is after all the "official" public version of events.  If nothing else I would expect Dalianar to ask *some* questions about his past.  Stuff like "where did you train" or "why were you made a slave?"  I feel that letting Dalinar walk totally blind into an explosive situation like that to be a bad idea.


In addition Dalinar not being an idiot would probably notice the odd discrepancy between the crime Kaladin was accused of and the behavior Kaladin displayed in saving his army.

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Given that it appears that both Dalinar and Kaladin are likely to have interactions in the immediate future it is beholden for him to inform Dalinar that he has a prior relationship with Amaram.  He doesn't even have to tell the truth.  The "official" line would be good enough.  It is after all the "official" public version of events.  If nothing else I would expect Dalianar to ask *some* questions about his past.  Stuff like "where did you train" or "why were you made a slave?"  I feel that letting Dalinar walk totally blind into an explosive situation like that to be a bad idea.


In addition Dalinar not being an idiot would probably notice the odd discrepancy between the crime Kaladin was accused of and the behavior Kaladin displayed in saving his army.


I don't think he would ask why Kaladin was made a slave, because if he were going to ask such a personal question he would asked it before he made him Captain of his personal guard.


I can see Kaladin saying to Dalinar, "I served under Amaram and I know you shouldn't trust him. He is the reason I wear these brands." But I don't see Dalinar pushing for more information than that because becoming a slave a very personal. It would be like asking someone how their parents died or what it was like to be abused as a child. You don't ask those kind of questions unless you have a close personal relationship or that information is of vital importance.


The fact that Amaram killed people to steal his shards is not vitally important in the big picture. Kaladin can't prove it. Sadeas did worse and Dalinar didn't want to bring him to trial over that.


It sucks, but in twisted way Amaram was right. Kaladin had no experience with the sword, nor did the men he wanted to give the shards to. Amaram can use those shard to save the world from the Voidbringers. And he knows about the voidbringers. He went about getting the shards in the most evil way possible, which I think will dam him in the end, but he did do it for what he thought was the greater good.


I've considered that Dalinar might look into why Kaladin was made a slave, though I don't believe he will ask him. He and Adolin did some pretty decent detective work looking for who cut the King's strap. Perhaps Dalinar and Adolin will learn the truth without Kaladin saying a word. Will that be enough to condemn Amaram, I doubt it. 

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Economics.  The same reason that armies even today don't have full body protection for each soldier or a surgeon in each unit.  They are continuously throwing away the lives of their soldiers in a stalemate much like WW1.  Why spend the money or effort to heal someone that stands a high likely hood of being killed on the next run.  If Dalinar were to suffer a serious wound, there would probably be several things being used to bring him back to whole.


Doubtful.  Remember that Elohkar's mother (whose name escapes me at the moment...  ^^;; ) shows off a fabriel that she designed that relieves minor pains, and for her it's a small triumph.  If relieving minor aches and pains is something to get even the tiniest bit excited over, I strongly doubt that there are fabriels capable of much more than that where healing is involved.

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