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[Spoilers] Wayne's History and Harmony's Involvement


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I'm trying to put together a couple pieces about how much Harmony has been involved in Wayne's life and the demons that haunt him.  Here are the pieces I'm fitting together at the moment:


1:  Wayne killed the parents of a child many years ago.  Wayne turns himself in to Wax following this and is unable to touch guns again afterwards without shaking.  Initially I thought this may have been to build an aversion to guns, but I'm looking at it in light of the compassion Wayne now has for the child.


2:  Wayne visits the child on a monthly basis to give her money, but also to reinforce the guilt he feels over the parents death.  Wayne or Harmony don't want that pain to dissipate.  Though it seems clear that Wayne is able to deal with the pain, it still hurts him.


3:  Wayne meets the daughter of a scientist at the party when Wayne was impersonating another scientist who destroyed the woman's father's life.  This resonated with Wayne and sparked an emotional connection between him and the woman since she reminds him of the daughter of the parents he killed.


4:  At the end of the book, Wayne intends to invest in the daughter's research, which will push science forward.


5:  Harmony has expressed an intent to have society progress technologically faster than it currently is.  This feels to fall perfectly in line with that goal.


6:  Harmony has already stated (through MeLaan) that He puts the pain where it can be handled (referring to Wax, but this feels like a general rule).


No one of these steps feels particularly like Harmony is involved with Wayne and yet when looking at the whole picture, it seems likely to me that Harmony decided that the guilt of creating an orphan and never being able to make up for it was a pain Wayne could bear and he uses this to cause Wayne to invest in technological advancement with the money that he never spent from Alloy of Law.

If someone would like to fill in the gaps with the direct quotes that these ideas are pulling from, or challenge the theory, I'd love to hear it.

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That might be a bit far-reaching... I think he may have had Wayne, with a lot of money and issues regarding kids losing their papa's, and this inventor who lost her papa, and brought them together. It's possible he did even more than that, but it feels like premature speculation at best.


I definitely think their meeting was arranged by Harmony. How could this young woman of no means or reputation have made it into an insanely exclusive party otherwise? How would she have gotten an invitation (and a named one, at that, since they weren't excepting general ones)? When the constable who had just saved the Governor's own life was being kept off the list.

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I definitely think their meeting was arranged by Harmony. How could this young woman of no means or reputation have made it into an insanely exclusive party otherwise? How would she have gotten an invitation (and a named one, at that, since they weren't excepting general ones)? When the constable who had just saved the Governor's own life was being kept off the list.

I would add to this that Wayne was forced to take on a persona and just happened to choose the person who destroyed this girl's father's reputation.  That feels like an awful lot of coincidences that work in favor of a plan Harmony has explicitly stated.

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