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Docile Parshmen other side of Oathpact?


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I've never been able to get over what a terrible agreement the Oathpact always seemed to be on Honor's part. Really, why would you make an agreement where your champions get tortured for eons? (Although it's probable that wasn't originally how it started for the Heralds while in limbo between Desolations.) 


So I'm thinking the Oathpact, while more than likely involving many other things, also was an exchange program or ward system. The other side of the Oathpact was Odium had to give over the Voidbringers/Parshendi to Honor in between Desolations. Odium gets the Heralds as "wards" and Honor gets the Voidbringers. The Parshendi change forms voluntarily and Eshonai (sp?) cannot figure out why some Parshendi would do that. Well, maybe they're fulfilling their end of the Oathpact.

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Point taken, I guess it's all how you look at it. 


My instincts tell me that the Oathpact was more of a way to allow the three Shards to coexist in some way on Roshar as Brandon has said Shardic power interferes with each other. I could be quite wrong about that and have never successfully found a way to support that view. (You would think that would make me stop believing it, but, oh well, I'm stubborn.)  But that's where I'm coming from on this.

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