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This is my first posting on any fan site. I'm not even sure how to navigate this thing. If I can't figure out how to post it:

- Female

- 45-this month

- Former marketing professional; presently a stay-at-home mom of 12, only seven remain in the nest.

What else do you need to know before stringing one up in a highstorm? Ahh, yes.

- Last confession: Prior to 2015, I have never read Epic-Fantasy. Nope not even Tolkien. Magic?....not my thing. Until.....

About 9 months ago I stumbled into the Cosmere, when I picked up a book my son was frantically trying to finish, before leaving on an LDS mission. I remember him talking about a world wherein the women had their left hands covered and people fought with magic swords. Maybe, because I was missing him; I went looking for this book. Since then I have read everything, "Sanderson" that I could get my hands on, ( I skipped the Alcatraz series though...sorry if that makes me a bad fan.) But; I did read 14 "Wheel of Time" just to get to the three "Sanderson" at the end, and that's got to be points in my favor. And, I can truthfully say that after a crazy four month binge, I am a true Robert Jordan fan.

While waiting on Shadows of Self, with nothing else to read: I have re-read Mistborn twice; Stormlight again, finishing up the third read now. And the Emperor's Soul again last night.

In the past months I have also branched out, authors O.S. Card, Mary Robinette Kowal, and Dan Wells, to name a few. However, my favorite and most surprising Sanderson distraction has been: The Shadow of What Was Lost; Book 1 of The Licanius Trilogy, Author James Islington, a Sanderson and Jordan inspired fan/author. This fledgling Epic-Fantasy author needs to be encouraged to keep writing. Buy the book!

In my free time, I listen to the podcast, Writing Excuses; writing exercises keep me humble. I make a hobby of analyzing Brandon Sanderson's writing style; breaking his books down bit by bit, reverse engineering to figure out his magic formula, seeking the ultimate Sanderson algorithm.

So now I am here....obviously with time on my hands...

Now that I found The 17th Shard and I am excited to talk with people that understand the Cosmere better than I do....I'm shocked to find out how lost you seem!


Forget what someone at some signing told you that Brandon said. Everything you need to know is in the books; the published ones. To me the connections are obvious. Maybe it is because I have crammed a ridiculous amount of the Cosmere into my brain in a very short amount of time, unpolluted with speculation and undiluted by much else in the way of media. But, the more I read your speculations I can see how easy it can be to get confused. I started questioning myself. So, I have gone back; double checking references and evidence to make sure that the information I plan to share will be obvious to anyone once pointed in the right direction and not lead other astray.

My intent isn't to take away the fun of the discovery from anyone, I want to encourage abstract thought, critical thinking, and an increased love for all things Brandon Sanderson. I need help Cosmere Caching too. There is so much more out there than I think anyone realizes.

This will be fun!

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I will help with any theories relating to Hoid authoring the anonymous missive. This seems to be a sticking point for most people. If anyone really still needs help flushing out his true identity which most do I can. I don't want to ruin this for anyone by admitting to what I do and don't know for sure. Especially not on the "Hi Nice To Meet You Forum." If someone must know I would much rather post on the "Let Me Ruin Everything For You Forum...so that Mr. spamming administrating Chaos man can kick me off before I have even figured out how to work this Storming site!" Not Tech Savvy! I Would love to discuss the origins of the Parshendi if anyone feels like they have made the connections and sees the significance.

Point me in the right direction. Please

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Well this is interesting. :)

Welcome to the 17th Shard, ma'am. I look forward to reading your Cosmere analyses. There's not much critical thinking going on in my own theory posts, I'm afraid, as I make them purely for fun. But I do enjoy reading the more serious contributions to Cosmerology every now and then, provided they are readable enough.

Enjoy your stay!

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First of all, welcome to the 17th Shard! Have an upvote.


Having read your post, I'm afraid I have to respectfully disagree with your analysis of the usefulness of WoB (what we call Word of Brandon.)


It has long been a tradition to ask Brandon questions to attempt to gain a better understanding of the cosmere. In fact, there are some things you've mentioned that were, in fact, created from WoB's. The name 'cosmere'? That didn't come from any of the novels.


By all means, I would love to hear your theories. And it's not to say that the books aren't invaluable to our knowledge of planets within the cosmere. But, WoB's can augment and help, or else destroy, your theories, should they prove correct or incorrect.


You also seem to be questioning the legitimacy of the signings. While many facts are contributed by individual Sharders, they would have no reason to lie. They are after the same goal as all of us, to discover more about the Cosmere. To lie and make false presumptions would only hinder that goal. They don't even gain notoriety from it. You see, when Sharders search for WoB's, they go to a place called theoryland.com. You can search through all the Brandon Sanderson interviews there (in addition to Robert Jordan, who the site was inherited from), and WoB's are added when admins find a tidbit that they think the general fandom should know.


So, while I will be eager to hear your theories, I might view them with a healthy dose of skepticism as to their truthfulness.


I apologize if this seems like a personal attack. I in no way mean any offence by it, and if you have an issue with any statement in the thread, then let me know, and I'll rephrase the offending sentence/paragraph.


Regarding how to start a knew topic, just go back to the main forums, click on whatever section is appropriate (Cosmere Theories is probably the one for you in this circumstance), and select 'New Topic' in the upper right hand corner, like you did with this post.

Edited by TheYoungBard
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Thanks. No offense taken. And I want to make something very clear. The only one that I think is truly evil enough to lead anyone astray is Brandon Sanderson. And when I say that he is "evil" that is no reflection of his personal character or reputation of integrity because in that respect the man is above reproach. I mean he is evil when it comes to manipulating his audience; us, the readers, toying with our emotions, misleading us and always keeping us guessing. He is a genius, but "evil" is the greatest praise I give to any author. But you have to know that Mr. Sanderson is mocking his fans. What do you think it means, in the letter in the WoK "...your friends of the Seventeenth Shard I suspect. I believe they're still lost, following a false trail I left for them...." Brandon is the king of double entendre therefore, the guy in the story that says he is being chased isn't going to be the guy that writes the anonymous letter saying "I'm being chased" that's not how it works. But so many people will read a theory and think that and get so off track . Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction I look forward to learning from all of you. Oh, BTW, WoK Chapter 13 "Cosmere" reference.

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