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Hi! I'm a 20 year old Filipina and I've been lurking around this site for months now. Just decided to join because I can't really pull myself away from all the Cosmere theories.

The first Sanderson book I've read was The Rithmatist, recommended to me by a friend who knew I have a thing for complex magic systems. Right after that, I started looking for more of his books and stumbled upon Mistborn, which introduced me to his intricate world-building, more complicated magic system (heaven knows how much time I've spent remembering all the Allomantic metals), interesting characters, and issues rarely tackled on some fantasy books I've read, specifically religion.

So yeah, I've read all the Mistborn books until Alloy of Law, The Stormlight Archive, The Rithmatist, and halfway through Warbreaker. I'll start Elantris as soon as I'm done with Warbreaker and I hope to get to talk about all these wonders with you guys soon enough! Please take care of me?

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I found The Rithmatist genuinely intriguing even with its shorter length compared to most of Sanderson's books. Aside from the fascinating magic system using chalks and Geometry, the protagonist was what I always wanted to see: flawed and lovable at the same time. It's a good read in my opinion. I've been wanting to buy Firefight too but WoK was sitting so innocently on one of the shelves so I just had to grab it.

I've only read Mistborn and The Stormlight Archive so I don't have that much choices to begin with so I'll go with SA. The flora and fauna in Roshar is just stunning in my mind and I found myself more attached to the SA characters, especially Adolin, Kaladin, and Dalinar. And Jasnah.

Oh, I think I'll definitely be a Soother/Spinner twinborn. Definitely.

Edited by Vinea
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I found The Rithmatist genuinely intriguing even with its shorter length compared to most of Sanderson's books. Aside from the fascinating magic system using chalks and Geometry, the protagonist was what I always wanted to see: flawed and lovable at the same time. It's a good read in my opinion. I've been wanting to buy Firefight too but WoK was sitting so innocently on one of the shelves so I just had to grab it.

I've only read Mistborn and The Stormlight Archive so I don't have that much choices to begin with so I'll go with SA. The flora and fauna in Roshar is just stunning in my mind and I found myself more attached to the SA characters, especially Adolin, Kaladin, and Dalinar. And Jasnah.

Oh, I think I'll definitely be a Soother/Spinner twinborn. Definitely.


I enjoy Mistborn more, actually, even if the world building in SA is mindblowing. Shallan is my favorite out of the viewpoint characters. I like how manipulative she can be. I like Jasnah a lot too, but... Kelsier, I just love Kelsier XD I like the magic in Mistborn a bit more too, but that might change as we havent really seen much of the magic on Roshar.


Soother/Spinner is a good mix. Im Rioter/Sparker myself.

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