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Hi, I am so excited to be a part of this community. I love Brandon's work and am pumped to dive in deeper with you guys.

I have a couple of questions if you dont mind. I am going to the signing in Naperville(Chicago signing) tomorrow and I was wondering if I can meet any of you guys there? Is there a place on the forum where i can connect with some others so I can know some other big fans tomorrow? Also, any questions you would like me to ask Brandon? I can't wait to meet him! And lastly, do we use a picture of ourself for our "profile pic" or should I not do that? Sorry, I'm just not to savvy with forums.

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Welcome DLZ, glad to have another fan.

there is a topic on which signing people will be attending and I remember someone posting they will attend multiple signings in the Chicago area. Go check out the thread, as I don't remember who it was. there is also another thread with a whole list of complied questions to ask Brandon somewhere...I think Chaos complied it. you'll have no shortage after reading that. and lastly, i'm rather new myself, but I haven't seen actual photos yet, usually clip art. but that doesn't mean you can't shake things up and be different.

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Awesome. Thanks a bunch Mysty!

Also, nice to meet you. I'm glad I could meet a new member. I'm not sure how to use this forum, though it doesn't seem too complicated. I clicked on the green arrow on your comment...I'm not sure what it did, but I hope it gives you style points or the like.

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I only just figured out what those are myself. they are Reputation points. if you think a post is funny, witty, helpful, or insightful, the green up arrow gives a reputation point. Underneath everyone's icon it says things like "trainee", "awakener", "mistborn", "shardbearer"...those represent your reputation level. so especially in deep theory threads, people with higher reputations could be considered more knowledgeable, as lots of people have agreed with them before. If on the other hand it was a really, really, really bad post you can remove a reputation point. you can go negative. I've seen a post with someone with -14 "Hoed" level; of course that person was also completely banned from the forum. I ran across a thread discussing it today...I'd been trying to figure it out since joining, thinking it was based on time or number of posts. maybe they should explain that in a "welcome to the forum" topic.

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Welcome DLZ. The rep system is just a fun thing for the forum members.  Negative rep won't get you banned.  I think the record is -26.  I prefer to think of members with high rep as simply being more experienced or helpful.  A couple of members with high rep got there by being super-handy with providing quotes and sources.  I have only been here since May so I still learn a lot and have been wrong on numerous occasions.  So, don't necessarily take someone's word for something or think their idea is more valid than your own just because they have a high rep level.  I enjoy a lot of the posts from new members because they bring fresh perspectives and are not mired in existing paradigms.  Looking forward to hearing your ideas, DLZ.

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