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Innate Soulcasters making Shardblades/Plate


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So I have two theories on the creation of PROPER Shardblades/Plate. One theory I've already mentioned, where someone who has accepted/live all 5 of the ideals goes into a highstorm, and at the moment of infusion when that power is there, they can pull it in and create their own plate, linked to them, their spren, and the ideals, either from thin air or an existing set of standard plate/blade(leaving the opening for a possible ShardSpear for Kaladin, which would be preferable).



I have another theory that popped into my head when thinking about it. Now obviously, we've established that they aren't created by standard means, as Navani mentions that they are built on principles unlike those they currently use, which is what makes them not understood/replicated. What else seems to have been missing since the Day of Recreance? People who have the innate ability to soulcast, and Nohel bonds.


I'm wondering if a people who could soulcast, could create the plate and blade out of air, using stormlight, and the bond in someway. Turning the plate and blade into a physical embodiment of that bond. We know that soulcasting devices sometimes have limits, only able to turn one thing into another. Maybe the only thing that can be turned into Shardblade and Shardplate, is a 5th level Nohel bond. So without innate soulcasters, and that level of bond, they couldn't create them. And it would explain why there seems to be something missing from the Blade and Plate that remains. It isn't being used by someone with that bond. So in the one instance where someone started to truly live the ideals, and be wearing plate at the same time(Dalinar fighting the Chasmfiend) we see that link starting to form back, and the Plate starts to glow. Feel free to tear this apart and show me why it's wrong, or add to the theory and show me why I'm right(always the preferable choice).

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I'm mostly suspicious of this because either it's simply too easy, or the numbers don't seem to add up. I'm of the opinion that the Radients would produce as much Shardplate as they possibly could, both for use in the Desolations and for generic use as powered exoskeletons in manual labor if they could make enough. So if an innate soulcaster could create multiple copies of Shardplate, then there would have been more Shardplate in the world because it's basically impossible to truly destroy.


On the other hand, if they make one each, they'd only make enough for the orders with Soulcasting, and Windrunners apparently don't have Soulcasting but did have Shardplate.

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Standing before the deathspren was a tiny figure of light. Not translucent, as she had always appeared before, but of pure white light. That soft, feminine face had a nobler, more angular cast to it now, like a warrior from a forgotten time. Not childlike at all. She stood guard on his chest, holding a sword made of light.

That glow was so pure, so sweet. It seemed to be the glow of life itself. Whenever one of the deathspren got to close, she would charge at it, wielding her radiant blade.

The light warded them off.


Looks to me like Syl already has a radiant blade. It's even capable of driving off other spren, which means it is manifest in the spiritual and cognitive realms. Sylphrena can only exist in the spiritual and the cognitive. She can't exist in the physical unless she has a Nahel bond. If she can make herself solid now, while the bond is at about half strength, what will she be able to do when the bond is at full strength?

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