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Horn Eater duels


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I think those are the best duels in any world.

Get drunk, the one who could sing after the most drinks wins, by the time someone wins you don't remember the cause of the fight. 



(Also, if for some reason talk about end of the book type stuff might happen, could you spoiler tag it for me, I'm on in the beginning to middle of the book right now)

Edited by jag519
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(Also, if for some reason talk about end of the book type stuff might happen, could you spoiler tag it for me, I'm on in the beginning to middle of the book right now)


You're in the middle of reading Words of Radiance? Wow! I'm jealous. Don't worry, I won't tell you anything that happens because I'm not going to be able to read it until it is released in March. :D

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