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Marsh And Harmony/Sazed


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So idk if someone has already brought this up I could not find a topic with the answer so I'm asking here in AoL can Harmony control Marsh/Iron Eyes through his Hemalurgic spikes like Ruin could and if he can does he not do so because he tries not to interact so directly with the world I assume he can since he can speak to Wax when he has his earring in like ruin did with Vin and her earring. In HoA it says that the more Hemalurgic spikes or metal piercing the skin alters the amount of control Ruin could have on a person or Kandra etc so I gues Harmony/Sazed should have the same capability right?

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Most likely, especially since Harmony has excess Ruin since the Pits of Hathsin were destroyed. I wouldn't be surprised if Hemalurgy began to weaken when the crystals start to grow back in the next few books. Also, welcome to the forums!

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So idk if someone has already brought this up, I could not find a topic with the answer so I'm asking here. In AoL can Harmony control Marsh/Iron Eyes through his Hemalurgic spikes like Ruin could, and if he can does he not do so because he tries not to interact so directly with the world? I assume he can since he can speak to Wax, when he has his earring in like Ruin did with Vin and her earring. In HoA it says that the more Hemalurgic spikes or metal piercing the skin alters the amount of control Ruin could have on a person or Kandra etc, so I guess Harmony/Sazed should have the same capability right?

No offense Xpikachuattackx, I just edited the quote so I could read it.

Edited by Venture Mistborn
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1) I have someone I'd like to introduce you to. He's called a fullstop. (No offence intended.)

2) Technically, this should probably go in the Mistborn threads, even if this is just your first post.

3) I believe we have a WoB where Brandon says that Harmony has the powers of both Ruin and Preservation. He probably could control Sazed, if he wished.


P.S. WoB = Word of Brandon. It's a term to say that Brandon has confirmed or said something that is canon. Welcome to the forums!

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Thanks for the replies. I'm typing on my phone which I have never been good at. Ya I thought about putting the question in the Mistborn thread, but then saw this area and decided since it was my first time I would put it here. I'll put any further Mistborn questions there though thank you for the info. Again sorry for grammar

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300 years is actually the perfect amount of time for the atium geodes to grow back, according to Kelsier. Here's a WoB where someone asks about atium and the AoL era books:



INTERVIEW: Sep, 2012


In Alloy of Law, evidence is uncovered that the bad guys are attempting to breed a Mistborn. The time span of the gap between this and the original Mistborn trilogy, perhaps with the interval I vaguely remember being stated for between Alloy and the next main trilogy added, is suspiciously close to 300 years. Does the organization Wax's father is part of know the location of the Pits of Hathsin, or otherwise have access to Atium, either now (as of Alloy) or in the time period of the planned second trilogy?


You are on the right track
Edited by Titan Arum
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