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Hai guise


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I've known these forums for a long time, mostly through the subreddits that have linked here over the years. I decided to finally register, because seeing threads that I want to reply to but can't finally go to a point where I couldn't keep myself from clicking that register button. (And I already know the first thread I'll reply to after this!)


I've read all published Cosmere novels as well as White Sand (although I did Elantris and Warbreaker in audiobook), Mistborn and WoR being my favourite and The Well of Ascension being my least favourite.


I'm 26 years old and a (basically full-time) gamer (when I'm not reading) and love roleplay as well.


Looking forward to finally take part around here instead of lurking!

Edited by Wubdor
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I'd like to point you to the rp section of the forum, judging by your stated interests; if you both like video games and rp, I'd point you to Heirs to the Final Empire. Generation 4 starts in two weeks. Looking forward to betraying and assassinating seeing you there!

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I'd like to point you to the rp section of the forum, judging by your stated interests; if you both like video games and rp, I'd point you to Heirs to the Final Empire. Generation 4 starts in two weeks. Looking forward to betraying and assassinating seeing you there!


Woah, that's a lot of information to read, but it definitely seems cool! Keeping that in mind!

Edited by Wubdor
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