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WoR is done! (sort of)


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Brandon just announced on Twitter that he's finished the main body of WoR. 


Llama_Face_normal.pngBrandon Sanderson

Last chapter of Words of Radiance (Stormlight 2) is done. Still have to do epilogue, epigraphs, and a few interludes. But we have an ending!





Edited by Kurkistan
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I was going to try to make this one shorter than the last one. Technically, it IS shorter. Draft is still 1650 pages, of course...

1650 pages? A book with 1650 pages would be nice... But probably not feasible.

Now to convince Brandon to release cut scenes/draft as a free ebook...

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I suspect that manuscript pages are a tad shorter than pages in a printed book ;)

Brandon is also in the habit of cutting ~10% from his first draft, IIRC. I would ballpark 920 or so pages in the final draft, just from my gut.

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I know, i know.... Still, I would like to see WoR as a 1650 page book... One can dream, right?

Perhaps I'm the only fan of Brandon who thinks that his books should be shorter.

By reading his big epic novels I often felt that the dialogues (or monologues) are too long, that some scenes should have been cut, etc.

In case of The Alloy of Law or The Emperor's Soul I didn't have the same feeling. They were wonderful written "compact" works.


Do not misunderstand me: all of Brandons novels are great but I think a "major epic" in 600-pages is (or have the potential to be) a better book than a "major epic" in 1200 pages.


As for me: quantity allows us, readers to have fun longer, but quality means: what is essential for the work, what should be written and what shouln't.

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Well, I have relatively low quality threshold , and once it is saturated - as is the case with all Brandon books so far- , the books don't really get better, but do get longer, so longer books provide more value. Besides, it is easy to cut pieces of book in your mind as you read them, and quite impossible to add something in, so for me, it is better to err on the side of more stuff. Mind you, two half- sized books over the same time frame might be better, since I'll be able to stretch the enjoyment over more than one day if I am forced to stop - or might contribute to frustration, so it is debatable.

The above is strictly my opinion of course. I found WoT books to be shortish, myself.

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Amazon moved the date from November to January. Is there a delay?

I saw Brandon at his Saturday signing and he said that he had just talked to his agent the day before and it will be published sometime in January, the publisher is just haggling over which week now.

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