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Detailed Allomantic genetics


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So we all know that Allomancy is genetic


In Alloy of Law, there was a part that said something about Miles being skilled at dealing with Coinshots, because they're the most common Mistings


So is the fact that Coinshots being the most common Mistings completely random, or are their more genetic traits that we haven't seen?


If you look at Well of Ascension, we know that Straff Venture - a Tineye - had a lot of Misting children and one Mistborn son.  If I recall correctly (I don't have the book on hand, if someone could correct me that would be nice) he had at least six Thug children, two Coinshots, and two Lurchers...

So, are Misting genetics related?  It would help if we had something more concrete concerning Straff's children

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Here's the exact quote

Miles stumbled, suddenly pulling against something incredibly heavy. His eyes went wide. He was used to dealing with Coinshots—they were one of the most common types of Allomancer, particularly among criminals. Feruchemists were far more rare. Miles knew what Waxillium was, but knowing about a power and anticipating it were different things.

It's possible that it has to do with however people now get snapped (maybe coinshots are more likely to be able to preserve their lives by using the power, if that's how it works). That would mean that more potential mistings of the other metals haven't snapped yet.

Could also be that people with obvious powers like steel, iron, and pewter are more public - a soother, seeker or rioter would find their powers more useful if people didn't know about them.

We know that apparently people don't like to publicly admit to having the lamer powers, so gnats, augurs, pulsers, and possibly copperclouds, might be under-represented for that reason.

Edited by Phantom Monstrosity
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Oh right, that makes sense.  Thanks!

It's certainly possible that there's an uneven distribution as well. We really don't know a lot about allomantic inheritance. Here's everything I've managed to collect on the subject:


If two people are identical twins, and one is a Mistborn, will the second be Mistborn? No. They could have different Spiritual DNA.

Alloy of Law Reddit Q&A (Verbatim): http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=708

zas678 (Reddit.com)

You've said that Inquisitors could have children. Would those children have a better chance at being Allomancers compared to if they had the kids before they were Inquisitors?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, but there also could be...complications.

Interview: Nov 11th, 2011

Alloy of Law Signing Report - Wetlandernw (Paraphrased) http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=632


Why do the Twinborn in Alloy of Law have only one feruchemical power, when all previous feruchemists, in spite of breeding programs, could use all the metals? (from travyl) Or were Ferrings always part of the system and we just didn't meet them in Mistborn? (my addition)

Brandon Sanderson

The Ferrings are a new development since Mistborn, as the Feruchemists have been interbreeding with the Allomancers. Basically, the Allomancy genes interfere with the Feruchemistry genes, breaking it down and creating the limitations we see in Alloy of Law. (His response to this was really fun—he found it a very perceptive question, and enjoyed talking about it. I wish I'd had my recorder handy so I could give you the full transcript instead of the boiled-down version.)


4. A lerasium Mistborn’s kids would surely be Allomancers. If such a lerasium Mistborn traveled to, say, Nalthis, fell in love and had kids with a native Nalthisean, would those kids be Allomancers? Or something else?

In most cases, they would still be Allomancers. Mixed, potentially, with something else depending on the native innate investiture. That mixture could do some strange things, though.



In the Cosmere, a person has three sets of genetic material. Biological DNA, Personality/Cognative self, Spiritual Soul. All are influenced by heritage and parents. All all are also influenced by the land you are born in. A Punnett square wouldn't cover it. Think of a 4-dimensional Punnett square.


Edited by Phantom Monstrosity
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