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Hi, names Rob, 31, been a fantasy fanatic since I was a kid. Like many of us, I first found the genre through Tolkien. I really fell in love with the idea of exploring a whole other world. I had gotten out of reading fantasy for awhile but a few years ago I got back into the genre. The first book I read from Sanderson was WOK and it blew my mind. It was the same feeling I had gotten when I first read LOTR, feeling like I was exploring a living, breathing world, with its own depth and history. So far I've only the SA books and sixth of dusk but he is definitely one of, if not my favorite authos.

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Welcome! It's good to have you here, and I hope you enjoy your stay! I suggest Warbreaker as your next book, but the Mistborn series is also popular.

What is your favorite character so far?

I suggest along with the classic Cosmere Theories that you check out the Social Groups forum, and also the Sanderson Elimination forum, which takes the classic party games of Mafia and Werewolves and turns them into forum games with Cosmere settings. I personally spend a lot of time with SE. Be wary, though! If you don't want any spoilers for unread books, you may not want to visit certain sections of the forums...

Again, welcome! Have an introductory upvote and a welcome cookie!

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