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Hey everyone! I'm very new to Brandon Sanderson's works -- I started with the Stormlight Archive probably about 6 weeks ago, and since then I've read all of the cosmere books. I'm planning to read the non-cosmere books as soon as I can get my hands on a copy from my library.


I just found this website today, but I'm very glad that it exists and very glad to be a part of it. From what I've seen, everyone is great, and this seems like a wonderful community


The mistborn books are my favorite of the cosmere books, probably because of Vin -- she's one of my favorite characters, if not my favorite character ever (Shallan is super close, though)


I don't have much experience with forums and how they work, so I'll kind of just be figuring it out as I go

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Do you mean to say you've read all of the cosmere books in only six weeks? Because that's pretty impressive. Vin is also one of my favorite characters- she's just an amazingly well put together character.

Good luck figuring things out. It's pretty easy, but there are tons of people around who can answer any questions.

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