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House Kholin, Knights of the Imperium

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So, I have recently found myself in poessision of several Imperial Knight models and, lacking any sort of good ideas of my own, have decided to model my Knight Household on House Kholin, because awesome.

In any case, I have been trying to decide Knight Chassis for each character. Those that exist are as follows. Please note that all Knights have an Ion shield, a powerful directional force field.

Paladin: 10-meter battle mech with a semi-automatic tank cannon and a fifteen-foot Reaper chainsaw sword. A strong all-arounder/general purpose Knight.

Errant: 10-meter battle mech with the same sword, but with a tank-melting Thermal Cannon for its main gun. Devestating aginst hard targets and armored combat vehicles at short ranges.


Crusader: Armed with your choice of the Paladin or Errant's main guns AND a massive Avenger rotory gatling cannon, but no CQC weapon. Devestarting at all ranges, but somewhat less devestating at close ranges.


Warden: Armed with the Crusader's Avenger cannon, and a MASSIVE PIMP HAND that strikes slowly, but with enough force to THROW TANKS AT THE ENEMY. A solid short/medium range combatant.


Gallant: Armed with Giant Chainsaw Sword and MASSIVE PIMP HAND, but no ranged weapons worth mentioning, which is a rather signfigant drawback.


Lancer: A rather different chassis than the preceding five, the Lancer is rather lithe, taller and faster than others. It is armed with a Ion Gauntlet Shield on its off hand that protects in in CQC, and a massive Power Spear that can rapid-fire a distuptive bast at short ranges (nothing to write home about, though) and is a potent weapon in melee.

Castigator: The same chassis as the Lancer, it is armed with a pair of Gatling cannons, which are more accurate and powerful than the Warden's Avenger, but with a lower rate of fire. Its melee weapon is a Tempest Warblade, a sword which lacks the raw power of the Reaper Chainsword, but can shread smaller targets in record time.


Acheron: A final Lancer-chassis Knight, the Acheron is armed with a Massive Flamethrow for inenerating infantry, and a Chainsaw Power Fist that wrecks mechanical targets with unprecedented power.


SO FAR, the allocations are as follows:

Dalinar: Knight Warden


Adolin: Knight Castigator


Renarin: Knight Crusader


Kaladin: Knight Paladin(?)


Navani: Knight Acheron; it just makes sense that way.


As for the rest, I have no idea. An comments or sugestions would be appreciated.

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No idea - but mind if I PM you about 40k? I've been thinking of collecting again -or at least collecting a certain army I wanted to di- and was wondering if it was viable in terms if rules and lore.

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No idea - but mind if I PM you about 40k? I've been thinking of collecting again -or at least collecting a certain army I wanted to di- and was wondering if it was viable in terms if rules and lore.


Yeah, sure. I'm pretty good at the rules, and probably know more than is 'healthy' about the lore.

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No idea - but mind if I PM you about 40k? I've been thinking of collecting again -or at least collecting a certain army I wanted to di- and was wondering if it was viable in terms if rules and lore.


Be warned Games workshop's prices have always been high but recently they've gone way above what the average consumer can afford. If you plan to start again I recommend hitting E-bay. On top of that last I heard they were in serious financial trouble and the hobby might not be around for much longer. Also Heir of the Void, this is an awesome idea and I hope you'll give us some picks once you've finished.

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