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Theory: Skybreakers can't perform an external Reverse Lashing


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So right off the go, I'll admit the evidence for this is thin (at best), that said...

I think the Reverse Lashing as seen in the books are a direct result of the Adhesion and Gravitation Surges being used together. Adhesion to coat an object in Stormlight, and Gravitation to give the coating a gravitational pull.

If I'm right, Skybreakers will be able to use Gravitation to pull objects towards THEMSELVES (like someone burning Iron), but not towards any other object.


Edited by LabRat
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Of the bat I would say you don't need Adhesion to "coat" an object with Storm light. Infuse would be the appropriate word to use here as per examples from text. And Adhesion is not necessary to infuse objects with Stormlight. We have seen Shallan infuse spheres with Stormlight.

Second point would be Reverse Lashing is always "external" in the sense that Szeth or Kaladin when full of Stormlight have never pulled objects towards themselves. Best example would be when Kaladin used to Reverse lash Parshendi arrows to the bridge he was carrying. Not once did the arrows hit him. Otherwise the story would have been too different. ;)

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Twenty, we know from WoB that Stormlight is gaslike, and we know that Adhesion controls atmospheric pressure, so Adhesionprobably should be able to affect Stormlight directly.


OOO! and if adhesion can be used to move Investiture around directly, causing random objects to act as centers for things like Gravitation, which would normally require a person as a focus, it might be the missing piece Kurkistan is looking for for his FTL Drive!  I think that, with currently-demonstrated abilities, if you filled a spaceship with both kinds of time bubblers, a nicrosil misting, and a windrunner, you'd have yourself an FTL drive!

Edited by ecohansen
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The Ars Arcanum author believes it's entirely the Gravity Surge:



A Full Lashing might seem very similar to a Basic Lashing, but they worked on very different principles.
While one had to do with gravitation, the other had to do with the force (or Surge, as the Radiants called
them) of adhesion—binding objects together as if they were one. I believe this Surge may have had
something to do with atmospheric pressure.


Reverse Lashing: Giving An Object A Gravitational Pull
I believe this may actually be a specialized version of the Basic Lashing. This type of Lashing required the least amount of Stormlight of any of the three Lashings. The Windrunner would infuse something, give a mental command, and create a pull to the object that yanked other objects towards it.
At it's heart, this Lashing created a bubble around the object that imitated its spiritual link to the ground beneath it. As such, it was much harder for the Lashing to affect objects touching the ground, where their link to the planet was strongest. Objects falling or in flight were the easiest to influence. Other objects could be affected, but the Stormlight and skill required were much more substantial.


I'm inclined to side with the AAA when there's any uncertainty. I'm also not entirely sure why you think Pressure is necessary? Is your theory that you need Pressure to cover something in Stormlight? Reverse Lashings don't cover the object in Stormlight, they just look like they suck light in. And Shallan, for example, is fully capable of sticking Pattern filled with Stormlight, so the Pressure Surge doesn't seem to be the controlling factor there.

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I don't really have a firm basis for thinking this, it's just something that popped into my head and wanted to see if others were interested in discussing it.

What I AM certain of is that there have to be some types of Surgebinding "Combos" that make the different Orders unique. It doesn't make sense to me that Kaladin has GRAVITY powers and ADHESION powers, but no Gravity+Adhesion powers. There should be something Kaladin is capable of doing that is different from what a Skybreaker and a Bondsmith working together can achieve.

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Would a full lashing work in a vacuum? If not, is that because it works by creating a vacuum between the lashed objects?


"First, good question. The way lashings work, it does have to do with pressure. But I can't go into it. I'm going to have to RAFO that one. Again, good question."




So it does seem plausible that the change in pressure of adhesion is more complicated than it appears.

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