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When do spikes lose power?


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Does a hemalurgic spike lose power whenever it is outside a body? For example, if you receive a spike in a non deadly place and then take it out for a year, will it be decreased in power when you put it back in, or does that only happen before the first placement?

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From what we understand, Hemalurgic Decay happens whenever a Spike is not connected to flowing blood.

What we don't know is the rate/pattern of Decay. I suspect it's a half-life system, so a Spike will retain a weak charge for an extremely long time, but that only has modest evidence.

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It may be that flowing blood is needed to create the connection and rip the hole in the Spirit web but once formed it can be removed and replaced with no additional discomfort. How ever piercings do heal overtime and it may be that every time she put it in she had to tear the ear lob a little to get it in.  

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It's a tricky issue. According to HoA, it's flowing blood, but when you rip out an eye Spike the unfortunate pincushions don't bleed to death.

I guess a more proper wording would be "in contact with the Spiritual wound created when the Spike first contacts flowing blood"

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