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Terminator Genisys


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So, I'm going to see this film later today with some friends; thought I'd open a topic and see if anyone else happens to see it or comment on it before I get back.


So... pre-movie thoughts? Eh...


I'm... kind of excited? i mean, I wasn't, but the fact that the commercials have started consisting of just James Cameron saying "this movie is awesom2 has me intrigued. I've actually managed to avoid most of the spoilers for the film, so that'll be fun.


And... the movie is revisiting the original. And, in all honesty... I kind of prefer the original Terminator to T2 in some ways? Mostly because I like Kyle Reese as a character, so more of him -in any form- will be good.


Personally, I'm kind of hoping they get some kind of reference to the Sarah Conner Chronicles in there. That was a great show, and I'm still rather annoyed that it got canceled, particularly since it has some of my favorite moments of television, period.


(I'm not asking for much. Just have Kyle reference Derrick! That'll do!)


So... yeah. Terminator 5, staring Daenery's Stormborn and the Doctor. This should be... interesting.

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James Cameron already broke my heart with T3... *starts sobbing uncontrollably :( *. I'm not sure I can trust him to not disappoint me with this. Also, doesn't the central moral of the franchise change with every film?


Terminator: The future cannot be changed.


Terminator II, Judgement Day: The future can be changed.


Terminator III: The future cannot be changed.

Edited by Adamir
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Well, Cameron wasn't involved in T3, which explains some of the changing morals.

(Though frankly, T3 also was lacking in Sarah Conner. I didn't mention her in the post, but maybe I should now- Sarah is, if not my favourite fictional character of all time, at least in the top three).


Anyway... I...

Kind of liked Genisys? I'm not going to say it was good- it has problems- but Wolven was right. I had fun watching it, and I enjoyed it more than Jurassic World... though I also have more nostalgia and favoritism for the Terminator franchise than I do Jurassic Park. 


(Still gathering thoughts though, so I rserve the right to come back later and blast it to pieces.)

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