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Inquisitors Question


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 Hi guys! I have been discussing in the spanish  Facebook group about If the inquisitors need drink vials for use the abilities in his spikes. A lot of people agrees with that. It's true that if they drink a vial his power increases but they not "need" drink vials to use the ability, at least this is the way I understand it because the blood on the spike is what metabolized the ability on the spike right? 

Edited by Marns
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Hemalurgy basically just takes an element off of a target's spiritweb, then transfers that ability to another person's spiritweb, be it strength, resolve, or allomantic power. We have a WoB that the Inquisitors' power comes from drinking metals, not burning or otherwise using the spikes. Spikes can't be burnt, in fact, unless the original element on the spike came from the person trying to burn it.

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Here it is


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    So do Inquisitors, when they use Allomancy, have to actually ingest the metals?
    They actually do. So what is happening is Hemalurgy rips off a piece of one person's soul and spikes it somebody else and so it is basically taking off the piece of someone's soul that makes them an Allomancer and adding it to someone else instead and so then they act as an Allomancer just as it would happen.
Edited by Mckeedee123
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Spikes can't be burnt, in fact, unless the original element on the spike came from the person trying to burn it.

The Spike can be burned as metal regardless of who charged it. There are a few conflicting WoB's about what result burning it would have outside of that.

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The Spike can be burned as metal regardless of who charged it. There are a few conflicting WoB's about what result burning it would have outside of that.


Do we have confirmation that the ones stating spikes can be burnt are the ones that are right?

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NTERVIEW: Jul, 2009


Would anything interesting happen if an Allomancer Burned a Hemalurgic spike, or a Feruchemist Tapped one?


Er, well, it’s possible. But you’d have to be burning a Hemalurgic spike that killed you and took your power... Just like you can’t gain anything by burning a metalmind unless you infused it yourself.




INTERVIEW: Jan 10th, 2011


What happens when you burn a Hemalurgic spike?


Burning a Hemalurgic spike would have the effect of splicing your spiritual DNA to that of the person's that is in the spike, which would have some very strange consequences




INTERVIEW: Jan 10th, 2011



Can you both Feruchemically charge and Hemalurgically invest in the same piece of metal?





What would happen if you burned the Feruchemically charged and Hemalurgically invested metal?




Based on the dates, I'm inclined to assume that he changed his mind and the 2nd one is correct

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