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Can you help me decide between these books?

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So I have this summer reading for my new high school an I'm stuck between five books on reading. 


First is the Divided We Fall 


Second is Brave New World 


Third is The Good Earth 


Fourth is Feed


Fifth is Catcher in the Rye 


If any of you have read the books and could put my path in the right direction I would be eternally grateful.


Also if anyone on here goes or use to go to a dual enrollment school can you share your experiences on that, did you benefit from it? 

Edited by spencer12347
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loved Brave New World. Dystopia on a beautiful scale. It also prepared me for 1984, which I read in class later that year (Brave New World was summer reading for me too). I will say, though, that I am pretty much alone, among my ~100 classmates, in enjoying it. Everyone else hated it (on the flip side, I hate Lord of the Flies, and everyone else loved it).


Catcher in the Rye is also good. I'm a little surprised your school is allowing you to read it (then again, you're in dual enrollment). In my school district it is the only banned book. That didn't stop teachers from encouraging us to read it outside of class though.


How many do you need to read?

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Brave New World is the only one of these I've personally read. I think it's worth reading - it's interesting, and looking through some dystopian fiction is probably good for your health somehow.  :lol: Whether or not it's enjoyable is a separate matter that depends largely on you and your tastes - I didn't dislike it, myself, but there are few books that I dislike in the first place.


(Actually, I liked everything that we read in class during school, which probably means I'm a bit of a freak.  :lol: )

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I've only read Brave New World, and Catcher in the Rye, but I'd definitely recommend Brave New World—doubly so if you've read or are going to read 1984. They're sort of opposites, as dystopias go, but each brilliantly shows the consequences of society going too far in either direction. 


I didn't like Catcher in the Rye. It's very well-written, and Holden is an extremely deep character….but I just didn't like spending the entire book listening to him. 

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I've only read Brave New World, and Catcher in the Rye, but I'd definitely recommend Brave New World—doubly so if you've read or are going to read 1984. They're sort of opposites, as dystopias go, but each brilliantly shows the consequences of society going too far in either direction. 


I didn't like Catcher in the Rye. It's very well-written, and Holden is an extremely deep character….but I just didn't like spending the entire book listening to him. 

I have to more or less second this.  Brave New World is pretty good (though it does get a bit preachy toward the end), while I couldn't stand Catcher in the Rye (the entire book seems to consist of Holden whining for 3 days).  Not sure I've even heard of the others, so no idea whether they are any good or not.

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Looks like it's Brave New World, which is a very good choice. Out of all the dystopian books, I believe it is the most relevant. 


I liked Catcher in the Rye immensely, but I in my personal case I read it as an adult and I feel that made the difference... I don't think I could have read it in my high school years.

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