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I am definitely not good at the presentation thingy, but somehow I don't feel allow to post unless I make the effort of trying ... so, presentation it is!

I am a female bookworm living in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. I am afraid that reading is a bit of a an addiction to me and the best places to find me are the local libraries, hidden behind a pile of the hugest tomes I could find, or the local bookstores hidden behind a pile of the hugest tomes I could find ... I read pretty much all the time; I used to spend half my nights reading from the public lightning coming from my window when I was a kid. I still do that, except that now I am allowed to have my own lamp alight. I even developed a very handy technique of reading while walking, which is very convenient when you have a sixteen-year old arthritic dog to walk 4 times a day (I must have read entire tomes on the road ^^’’)


I also love music a lot and I choose very carefully the music I listen while reading as I always eventually make a connection with the books and the music (I cannot listen to Faun anymore without thinking about The way of kings. And thousands blessings be upon Alain Damasio for having Arno Alyvan write a beautiful soundrack for “La horde du Contrevent”, I would love so much that other authors follow his exemple!  :wub: )


I came into Sanderson’s writings with the “Mistborn” series a few years back, upon recommendation of my favourite librarian. I recently discovered “The Stormlight Archive” and I fell in love with it, - especially with Dalinar Kholin, I have to admit ^^''. I am currently re-reading “Words of radiance” and I am sooo frustrated that I have to wait months for the next book that I felt the need to scream it to the world, hence my inscription to this forum that I’ve been stalking for a while now.


And please forgive me if my english and my spelling are not always top-notch; for some strange reason, my english corrector refuses to work on this board :huh:

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Thank you  :)


I am already on the verge of depression because of Rothfuss and Martin, I really couldn't bear one more so-slow writters in my favorit list ... >__<


I read a lot of crime stories (Fred Vargas is love  :wub: ) a few good (imo) horror writters (Steven King, Dan Simmons) and history books (especially about european middle-ages or Japanese Edo-Meiji era). I also enjoy children books like The Orphans Baudelaire sometimes; pretty much everything except romance and tragic stories.

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I can't comment on Steelheart, since I haven't read it; but if you like it, I would recommend checking out the Oregon RPG.

...still, Warbreaker is awesome, and I'd recommend starting there.

Im guessing from your signature that you are also a fan of Pratchett. Discworld is a great series.

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Good guess. Although I haven't read all the many books yet, Discworld is indeed a great serie (I have a soft spot for the Wyrd sisters :wub: )


And thanks for pointing out that I could find Warbreaker on-line, it will definately help me wait for my paperback!  :D

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Good guess. Although I haven't read all the many books yet, Discworld is indeed a great serie (I have a soft spot for the Wyrd sisters :wub: )


And thanks for pointing out that I could find Warbreaker on-line, it will definately help me wait for my paperback!  :D

Have you read Lords and Ladies? My favorite book from the Witches 'sequance', and probably one of my favorites overall.

No problem! I'd recommend reading Warbreaker as soon as possible; its awesome.

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Yes, I read that one - I have all of the Witches series - and I agree it is a very good one. I liked Guards! Guards! even more, though (how not to fall in love with a book where the magic wand produces only pumpkins? I would have loved to see that concept at work in Harry Potter, it would have saved him a lot of troubles  :P

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