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Hi from a Lighteyes... :)


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Hellooo! :D


Tetriona here.


I'm relatively new to both Brandon Sanderson and the 17th Shard. My brother told me about Brandon Sanderson two months ago and I can truthfully say that I have already bought and finished eleven of his books! I am now, officially, a  DIE-HARD FREAKING FAN!!!!!!




Anyway... just wanted to officially introduce myself.....



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Welcome, Tetriona! Which series is your favorite so far?

Also, since you're a Lighteyes (:P), may I ask what your eye color is?

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My eyes are bright blue. :)


The Stormlight series is probably my favorite (so far)...


My eyes are dark blue. And the Stormlight series is awesome. I'm going mad waiting for Skybreaker/Stones Unhallowed/whatever it'll be called.


Welcome to the 17th Shard!

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My favorite is hard to decide. Probably Warbreaker, in the end. I'm going mad waiting for Nightblood.

Welcome to 17th Shard and Happy Devil's Food Cake Day!

Have a couple upvotes and a warm, delicious cookie.

P.S. What is your favorite Cosmere character?

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Wow... I don't even know if it's possible to have only ONE favorite Cosmere character. :) I know it sounds weird, but I love all of the parts where there is a lot of dialogue with Syl and Pattern the most.  :P 


As to my favorite HUMAN character, I'm going to have to say Kaladin!


(But then I also love Shallan, Dalinar, Wit, etc.)




You get the point....

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My eyes are bright blue. :)

The Stormlight series is probably my favorite (so far)...

Ah, in that case, Brightness Tetriona, I hope to see you in the Stormlight board. I am a darkeyed skaa, but I also enjoy speculating about Roshar. :)

Have an awesome time!

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