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Just My Questions On The Future Of Mistborn?


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I was wondering if you guys would just consider my questions on where this series will go. 


1. Do you think there might be a following later about Wayne, people who do trades like he does and have an affection for hats?


2. If Sanderson makes a 1940s series do you think it might be about racial issues between the Southerns and the Northerns?


3. Do you think we will see a pewter drag race?


4. Or a fight club Allomancers vs. Feruchemists?


5. Do you guys think it would be awesome to see a lurcher slingshot throughout skyscrapers like spiderman?


6. Do you think we will ever see diseases be exchanged between the sides of the worlds when they meet like with the English and Americans?


7. Do you think they will ever discover nuclear tech. on Scadrial? 


8. Could their ever be a Kandra civil war?

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  1. That would be unlikely, but Hilarious. Most of the people in Elendel ignore Wax and Wayne, and those that do pay attention only pay attention to Wax, since he's Noble.
  2. I believe it's set to be about a Mistborn Serial Killer and An Allomantic Swat Team.
  3. Man I hope so.
  4. Again, I hope so.
  5. This needs to be a Fan-Fic
  6. Brandon has done lost and Lots of research, so the two civilizations meeting will be accurate. So I'd guess that yeah, there will be rampant diseases.
  7. Yes. It's supposed to be an Earth Parallel, Their tech will be like ours at the same time.
  8. No. They are completely Controlled by Harmony. There are no Rouge Kandra. The only way for The Kandra to rise up is if Odium shatters Harmony and takes control of them through The Flaw, and I'm not certain either of those things are possible.

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Actually first time I read about a Mistborn (Kelsier) I pictured his movements as kind of a cross between Spiderman and Assasin's Creed.


1. Would be Awesome!!!


The nuclear power thing or something closely analogous to it will almost certainly happen in future series. 

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No. They are completely Controlled by Harmony. There are no Rouge Kandra. The only way for The Kandra to rise up is if Odium shatters Harmony and takes control of them through The Flaw, and I'm not certain either of those things are possible.



Actually the Ars Arcanum in Alloy of the law says that Kandra "(for the most part) serve Harmony."


It doesn't tell us if that for the most part means that there are a few rouge Kandra running around or if they could be hijacked like you suggested. But either way I'm fairly certain that there's at least one or two Kandra who aren't fully under Sazed's control.

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He really doesn't seem the controlling type honestly. They are still mentally human in the end, and free will is his current subject of interest. I'm willing to believe that some of them if not most would just willingly follow. Not like they have much to do these days.

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