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So Brandon is going to be appearing at FantasyCon in Nottingham, UK, on the dates of 23rd, 24th, and 25th October this year.


Basic tickets cost £55, with a discount if you are a member of the British Fantasy Society.


Here's the link


I'm guessing I'm holidaying in Nottingham this year :)

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  • 5 months later...

So, I'm finally sorted for FantasyCon. I have (almost) all of my costume, and my first edition hardbacks of Way of Kings and Words of Radiance to be signed.


My question is though, what do I ask him? I want to ask him something about Ryshadium, and I'm thinking about asking what the connection is between those Ardent's research into spren (from the interlude, one is a chef, the other is a mathematician who work out that measured spren are form locked) and Shardplate.


What do you guys think of these questions?



So, who else is going to FantasyCon next month?


Oh, and good show Brandon, I spend quite a bit of cash forking out to get to FantasyCon, and this week he announces that he is coming to my hometown for a signing... D'oh!*



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I shared my costume ideas in another thread in the Stormlight Archives thread. At first, I was going to have a friend make me up some Shardplate so I could go as Sadeas, but the time and cost for that were rather prohibitive.


My next idea was going to be considerably easier, but also considerably colder, and as FantasyCon is in the UK in October, I felt walking around as a half-naked Koloss would be a bad idea.


So, the costume I ultimately decided on is one I was totally not expecting, and I'm hoping that people will recognize it while I'm there...


This is my costume


I'm not expecting there to be many people who will realise that I'm actually in costume, but I am hoping to attract a few fans asking for Brandon's autograph.

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