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Hello everybody! I'm Nicrosil. But, you could probably already tell that. I was introduced to Brandon Sanderson from a friend around January, found the 17th Shard a few months ago, and finally made a profile.

Nothing really special about me. I do like to write, especially world-building, so Brandon is something of an inspiration to me. I mean, the rate the man churns out magic systems! It takes me months just to come up with something somewhat clever!

I've read the Mistborn trilogy, Alloy of Law, and Way of Kings. I hope to get Warbreaker and Elantris on my next stop to the library. Hopefully I'll be able to get Legion and The Emperor's Soul soon.

Not much else to say, I guess...

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Hello everybody! I'm Nicrosil. But, you could probably already tell that. I was introduced to Brandon Sanderson from a friend around January, found the 17th Shard a few months ago, and finally made a profile.

Nothing really special about me. I do like to write, especially world-building, so Brandon is something of an inspiration to me. I mean, the rate the man churns out magic systems! It takes me months just to come up with something somewhat clever!

I've read the Mistborn trilogy, Alloy of Law, and Way of Kings. I hope to get Warbreaker and Elantris on my next stop to the library. Hopefully I'll be able to get Legion and The Emperor's Soul soon.

Not much else to say, I guess...

Hello! ;)

I'm glad to see you here. If you like writing, come over tI the Reading Excuses subforum. Read others work, and get critiques of your own, if you want.

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