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Where Is The "real" Talen?


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All the other Heralds are wandering around in various damaged states.   One is likely (willingly or unwillingly) playing the part of "Crazy Talen".


So where is the Real Talen?   The Everstorm & Desolation are here now.     So why has Talen not been released yet?     Or is he has - where is he? 


Also, if he has not been released yet - does he still have his own blade?

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We don't know for certain but Brandon has hinted that the Madman who claims to be Taln isn't the real Taln.


The shardblades/honorblades don't match up ether when the first man who claims to be Taln breaks down the gate at the end of WOK his sword is described as being like a spike but when Dalinar gets his hands on a shardblade that was supposedly in the mysterious mad mans possession it's described as being cleaver like in appearance. 


The idea that it's another herald is something that I believe we came up with here, and I admit it sounds awesome.


Again I don't think this has been completely confirmed by Brandon just hinted at really strongly, so there is still the possibility that he's just screwing with us.


I'll post a link to the WOB latter if I can find them, but right now I need sleep.

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