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Mistborn: Birthright - What do you want to see?

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So I don't know about anyone else, but my mind churns awaiting the release of the Mistborn game. Like, I'm just ridiculously excited at the prospect of being able to control a Mistborn and have the allomantic powers. Considering its the closest I'm ever going to get to actually being a mistborn, which has long been a dream of mine ;) 


I was wondering what other people are wanting to see in the game? What the fanbase want. Personally, I would super enjoy a third-person kind of role-playing game. I'm talking like Shadow of Mordor or the Skyrim kind of thing, with easy to navigate controls and a heavy emphasis on the combat gameplay, not a rushed put together kind of thing (which is unlikely considering the 3 year delay on the release ;)


And with Brandon himself behind the story, Im really hoping this game is going to hit it out of the park. I really hope Little Orbit can do justice to this amazing series! 


So yeah, what do you fine folks think? :) 

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Mistborn boss fights. Inquisitor boss fights, yes please thank you.


Also a cutscene where we see the Lord Ruler going all out sense we never did get to see that in canon.


My ideal ending would be TLR ends up an unbeatable Final Boss who beats the protagonist and then turns him into an inquisitor.

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I was wondering what other people are wanting to see in the game? What the fanbase want. Personally, I would super enjoy a third-person kind of role-playing game. I'm talking like Shadow of Mordor or the Skyrim kind of thing, with easy to navigate controls and a heavy emphasis on the combat gameplay, not a rushed put together kind of thing (which is unlikely considering the 3 year delay on the release ;) )


Well Brandon has said that he wants to use "inFAMOUS in the Mistborn world" as the model so I'd say third-person/open-world/roleplaying game is a safe bet.

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Mistborn boss fights. Inquisitor boss fights, yes please thank you.


Also a cutscene where we see the Lord Ruler going all out sense we never did get to see that in canon.


My ideal ending would be TLR ends up an unbeatable Final Boss who beats the protagonist and then turns him into an inquisitor.


My god yes that would be an awesome ending. Then you have it like GTA or Red Dead Redemption and you can explore the world and use your powers for side missions and what not. Thats a good idea you need a career change ;) 



I was wondering what other people are wanting to see in the game? What the fanbase want. Personally, I would super enjoy a third-person kind of role-playing game. I'm talking like Shadow of Mordor or the Skyrim kind of thing, with easy to navigate controls and a heavy emphasis on the combat gameplay, not a rushed put together kind of thing (which is unlikely considering the 3 year delay on the release ;) )


Well Brandon has said that he wants to use "inFAMOUS in the Mistborn world" as the model so I'd say third-person/open-world/roleplaying game is a safe bet.



Im sorry I didnt know that info! Ive never really played inFAMOUS. Is it something I should invest in? Haha

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I was wondering what other people are wanting to see in the game? What the fanbase want. Personally, I would super enjoy a third-person kind of role-playing game. I'm talking like Shadow of Mordor or the Skyrim kind of thing, with easy to navigate controls and a heavy emphasis on the combat gameplay, not a rushed put together kind of thing (which is unlikely considering the 3 year delay on the release ;)


What Aussie said.


An open world RPG where you control a Mistborn would be epic. (or not, since it is the wrong reality, but you know what I mean).

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Well Brandon has said that he wants to use "inFAMOUS in the Mistborn world" as the model so I'd say third-person/open-world/roleplaying game is a safe bet.

That is fantastic news! I loved the first two inFamous games, and to see that style used in Birthright would be wonderful.


I would like the ability to train/focus different Allomantic abilities (i.e. levels in Ironpulling, Steelpushing, etc.)


I would add another vote to most of Lord Pifferdoo and LeftVash's suggestions: Hoid cameo, Cosmere goodies, Eastern street slang, and an actual release date would be fantastic (disclaimer: I am firmly in the "when it's done" camp - I would rather wait longer for a better game than have it rushed out the door).


I don't want to speculate on what I want to happen with the story - since Brandon will be directly involved in that aspect of things, I trust that he will write a better story than I could come up with.

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In all seriousness I want something like a combination of Shadows of Mordor/Batman Arkham and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. The openness and mostly non-linearity and the general game play of flying around the world and cities, combined with the rpg parts of Kotor 2.

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Okay it would appear I need to get aboard the inFAMOUS train very hastily ;) 


I honestly don't mind waiting for the game to come along, I mean yes a release date would be nice and would give us something to count down to, but I would much prefer to wait, and have the best outcome for the game possible, then a hastily put together piece of junk (**cough AC Unity cough**). 


If it takes a bit extra time time to get the graphics top notch, seamless gameplay, and a ripper storyline, then Im more than willing to wait

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If it takes a bit extra time time to get the graphics top notch, seamless gameplay, and a ripper storyline, then Im more than willing to wait


Well here's the issue; they want to release on last gen consoles too. By the point this game is coming out, if publishers still desire the game to be sold for 360 and PS3, then the hardware companies have utterly failed with the current gen. My point, however, is that top-notch graphics won't happen if they have to create the game for last gen as well.

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Eh. I'm fine without top notch graphics, just so long as the story and gameplay are able to make up for it. If he's basing it off of InFAMOUS though, well let's just say that IT WOULD BE STORMING AWESOME.


I completely agree with everything said. Hopefully they do the inFAMOUS gameplay right though, as parkour games can turn out pretty bad when you don't...

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Well the main character is a Mistborn so this is unlikely.  However there is supposed to be a young terriswoman involved in the plot and she could end up being a feruchemist.


Perhaps she's our terriswoman worldhopper  :o


I doubt it but maybe we'll get to play as a feruchemist in the sequel, if there is one.

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I'm just hoping for exciting, intuitive gameplay (that doesn't get boring quickly), graphics that aren't eyesores, a good story (since Sanderson wrote the outline I'm less worried about this one), and Cosmere Easter eggs. 

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