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Cross Clan/Guild Common Rooms

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Hello and welcome to the cross clan/guild common rooms.


a place for members from all clans and guilds can come together to talk, plot, and exchange various foodstuffs. (please don't poison us DA) 


these common rooms are open to anyone, whether they belong to a guild, clan.



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"Cyanide!? Who do you think we are! We wouldn't kill people at a party! At least not without spiking their spiritweb out first."

"fair enough,

how rude of me to assume you wouldn't wait til later to kill people.

oh well, I'll definitely take you up on some cookies, and while I'm at it i'll go get us some drinks"

*leaves and returns with punch bowl and paper cups*

"any body parts found in the punch are entirely not my fault"

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Cheese popped in to the conversation at the last second, snatching Screw's root beer as it was handed to him. "Yea so how's it going Winter? I've been stalking your pack and they seem pretty sad." So saying, he downed his root beer in one gulp and promptly fainted to the floor, unable to handle his drink becuase he was a slice of cheese.

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