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Big fan from Southern California checking in. So far I've read the first Mistborn trilogy and I just finished Words of Radiance. I'll be reading Warbreaker next, probably followed by Reckoners, although if there's some sort of preferred order that I should read in, please let me know. Pleasure to meet you all.

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Welcome to 17S! Have an upvote and a delicious cookie!

Did you read WoK before Words of Radiance? Warbreaker is my favorite Sanderson book, and I'm afraid you won't understand *spoiler alert*

the epilogue of Words of Radiance

until you've read Warbreaker.

I also strongly suggest the Emperor's Soul.

What's your favorite magic system and character so far?

Welcome again! Oh, and did I mention, have a cookie.

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Welcome to 17S! Have an upvote and a delicious cookie!

Did you read WoK before Words of Radiance? Warbreaker is my favorite Sanderson book, and I'm afraid you won't understand *spoiler alert*

the epilogue of Words of Radiance

until you've read Warbreaker.

I also strongly suggest the Emperor's Soul.

What's your favorite magic system and character so far?

Welcome again! Oh, and did I mention, have a cookie.


I read WoK and WoR, yes, I failed to mention that. I have not read Warbreaker. I loved Mistborn when I read it, and now that I read the first two Stormlight books, Mistborn seems almost childish. I don't mean for that to be taken the wrong way, I just think that his writing and ideas in Stormlight have progressed and matured tremendously. 


My progression thus far has been Mistborn: The Final Empire > The Well of Ascension > The Hero of Ages > Stormlight Archive: The Way of Kings > Words of Radiance. 


Should Warbreaker come next?


Thanks for the welcome. :)

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I'd definitely recommend Elantris, it's a good book but given it was his first published work the writing quality isn't as polished as Mistborn or Sotrmlight after that I'd definitely recommend Warbreaker because it's awesome.
Welcome to the 17th Shard!

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I'd definitely recommend Elantris, it's a good book but given it was his first published work the writing quality isn't as polished as Mistborn or Sotrmlight after that I'd definitely recommend Warbreaker because it's awesome.

Welcome to the 17th Shard!

And Alloy of Law. Don't forget that one.

Voidus, I'm disappointed. You didn't offer him a cookie...

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