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17th Shard/Switzerland


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Not a huge theory or idea, but it popped into my little brainpan.  If the 17th shard is all about non-intervention, can they act as a objective 3rd party of the Cosmere?  Politically neutral.  As in maybe they witnessed or brokered the Oathpact, as it involves multiple Cosmere entities(especially since the Heralds are non-Rosharians).  And that this is part of what they are worried that Hoid is going to jeopardize?  Feel free to shoot down =P

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And here I thought this was about a forum get-together in Switzerland. :P



I like this idea. I don't know how plausible it is, considering how little information we have on their purpose and activities, but I could see them filling this capacity. Assuming that they don't have a particularly vested interest in the welfare of some Shards or planets over others.

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Something like the oathpact isn´t exactly "not involving themselves" so I doubt they put their fingerprints on it. They might go around and keep tabs on the other worldhoppers, so they don´t cause any big problems.


By the way, has it been confirmed know that the Heralds aren´t originally from Roshar? I think I can remember something about all of them comming from the same world but not which one.

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I'd just like to point out that we don't know that the Heralds are non-Rosharan.

Edgedancer is correct. They are all from the same place. The place has been consistently RAFOd. Sorry no quotes. I'm on mobile. Just tag-search "heralds" on Theoryland.


Edit: Here they are.


Two. Relevant Quote:



Were the heralds born on Roshar?


Edited by inexorablePanda
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