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(Theory) Bio-FTL-Allomancer-Driver


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By WOB recently this was said

Me: Can you use hemalurgy to power machinery?

Brandon: He was initially confused as to what I meant, so I said I got the idea from thinking about FTL travel, and he said that it was a RAFO, but that I was thinking along the right lines, there needs to be a merger between magic and technology.

So, if we need we need something of be a merger between science and magic. How about this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_Code

Put a allomancer, (well the better part of him at least) in a "matrix"  machine device. We are in a sci-fi setting, so lets' say insert some cranial neural electrodes mambo-jumbo to active the "almost but not quite" allomancer body using his power but at same time that you have precise controls of what is going on and voilá a very creepy Bio-FTL-Allomancer drive.

Or we have the something between in this way, like if you wanna play square, use Hermalurgy to put in, let's say, a cloned body without conscious the required allomancer power to act like the bridge and  tcharammmm less creepy Bio-FTL-Allomancer drive.  (Ethical concern plot problems are a bonus)

In a more serious way anybody asked to Brandon if the Hermalurgy could be used to give Allomancer powers to animals ? I think that readed that Kandra could receive a spike with allomancer power,  but never if a dog or such could. If the answer is yes we could have something of Bio-FTL driver really going on.

Crazy? Possible? Jujubes ? =)

Edited by Natans
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In a more serious way anybody asked to Brandon if the Hermalurgy could be used to give Allomancer powers to animals ? I think that readed that Kandra could receive a spike with allomancer power,  but never if a dog or such could. If the answer is yes we could have something of Bio-FTL driver really going on.

Crazy? Possible? Jujubes ? =)

Well, we know that cats can certainly receive hemalurgic spikes, so I don't see why dogs couldn't.
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I think the running theory is that you just use the spike with the Allomantic spiritweb attached, not a whole person. There's some interesting stuff going on with the Southern Scadrians and Allomantic technology so hopefully we'll see it in the next trilogy.

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