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Epic's System


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Are you thinking of David's organization system?

Not specifically David's, but they have a set system in the Reckoners. I only know that defensive abilities makes them an High epic but I figured it'd be little tougher than just that.

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Not all the terms we have were completely explained but here´s what I can recall.


Prime Invincibility: An Epic can´t be killed without activating his weakness. Having this means they are automatically a High Epic. (examples include Steelheart´s impervious skin and Megan´s resurection. Not someting like precognition that simply makes it harder to kill them.) Scratch this one the books contradict themselves on this.


High Epic: An Epic that can´t be killed by ordinary means but some can still die if enough fire power is concentrated on them. The status of High Epic has no connection to their offensive or overal power level but simply means they have strong protective powers.


We also have the terms lesser and minor Epic. I don´t think we have an actual definition of them but from what I gathered a lesser Epic is every Epic that´s not a High Epic and minor Epics, as the name says. have minor powers like Curveball not needing to reload.


The different ratings for powers is based by comparing their power level to those with the same kind of power, like the amount of force a strenght Epic can use or how freely a shapeshifter can change his form.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Yes, these are very familiarized along the fans of the Reckoner Series. I'd just like to know the tiers, or classes of shapeshifter, illusionist, and so on. What level or range of power must one be to become an high epic. I'd like to know.

That led me wondering this: is there a direct way to contact Brandon Sanderson 'cause I'd like to see if he could sketch up a chart...kind of like the 16 allomatic metals chart for the Mistborn trilogy.

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The classes go from A down and decrease in strength. So a Class C self-transmutation is stronger than Class D, but weaker than Class B. Some abilities have their "borders" hinted at in the books. To expand on the self-transmutation example:


At least class C self-transmutation abilities, "I said. "He was able  to change his mass as well as retain his original thought process after transforming; either alone would elevate the transmutation from class D. I'd have to know if [Knoxx] can take other shapes, and whether there are limits like how often he can change, before I can say more."

David, Firefight (pg. 207, ebook)


What we learn from this is that:

  • Self-transmutation is an Epic ability
  • Changing one's own mass, by itself, is enough to achieve Class C self-transmutation
  • Retaining one's original thought process, by itself, is enough to achieve Class C self-transmutation
  • Transformation frequency ("whether there are limits like how often he can change") and versatility ("if he can take other shapes") are two "borders" or "qualifiers" (I can't remember the term David uses) which, by themselves or together, might elevant Knoxx to a Class B self-transmutation Epic, as long as they exceed a certain threshold

A quick search in both books doesn't reveal much more...

  • Prof's forcefields are Class A
  • Refractionary is a Class C Illusionist and Class B personal invisibility
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That's a wonderful inspection with content, although as a geek...I'd love to know more. Does Brandon Sanderson come on here often?

Not any longer, to avoid our bad influence. :P His assistant Peter comes along rather regulary though.

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Also, Regalia has Class F prognosticative abilities according to Tia.


Further, what defines a High Epic is simply whether they have any protective powers:



"Regalia," I explained to him, "has no form of protective powers, not directly. That's what makes someone a High Epic. Steeheart's skin was impenetrable; the Clapper warped air around him so anything stabbing or hitting was teleported to his other side; Firefight reincarnates when killed. Regalia has none of that."

David, Firefight (pg. 109, ebook)


And one final tidbit I found:

  • "Faultline was a tier-one Epic, by Tia's classification, without an immortality benefit."
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