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Oh, herro!


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Hi all! My name is trendkill. I've been browsing this site's forum and wiki for the last couple of days.

It all started with my search for Hoid. I was obsessed with trying to find out how he fit into everything (which it seems that most people are). Now, with every new bit of information/theory I find, I am getting more obsessed and have even more unanswered questions, although now it relates to the cosmere as a whole, which I only found out existed yesterday, rather than just good ol' Hoid.

Once TWG finishes its maintenance, I also plan on joining there to be able to read the theories and participate in discussions there.

Expect to see more of me once I am a little more familiar with the prevailing theories and feel more comfortable throwing in my two bits!

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Yup. Definately spriggan-like.

On the off chance that trendkill is not, in fact,  Sprig come around just to make fun of us all, trendkill, Sprig is Brandon's brother, Jordan. He's one of the admins on TWG, though we don't tend to see much of him over there. He also happens to have the same avatar pic as you do.

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Heh, that's funny. No, I'm not this Sprig fellow, but I'm flattered to be compared to someone related to the great one. As far as the avatar, I just like Bruce Campbell.

Just so there's not any confusion for the future, any way I can prove my identity? Or more specifically, prove that I'm not Sprig?

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Heh, that's funny. No, I'm not this Sprig fellow, but I'm flattered to be compared to someone related to the great one. As far as the avatar, I just like Bruce Campbell.

Just so there's not any confusion for the future, any way I can prove my identity? Or more specifically, prove that I'm not Sprig?

Well, i suppose we'll just have to take your word on it, trendkill, if that IS you real name....

*squinty-eyed stare*


[/giving the new guy a hard time]

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... So let me get this straight. I should bribe Andrew to bribe Eerongal to not murder me in my sleep, and to also bribe Munin to not use my weakness against me, but should also give cheesecake to Munin on the side so that we split all revenue from background checks?

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Yes. But you'll have to make an extra cheesecake, and give both of them to me so I can give the one to Munin. I won't even require a cut of the revenue.

Don't believe him!

I did some checking, and Andrew is... uh... lactose intolerant. Yeah, that's it. So all cheesecake should go to me.

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I would probably die if I were lactose intolerant, as I go through two gallons of milk every three days (yes, this is just me). And cheesecake is the awesome.

Also, Cheesecake, while it would be excellent as a prop (because really what isn't cheesecake good at?), would really not be fulfilling its full potential (namely, being eaten by me. Yes, pleasing me is the single greatest thing a cheesecake can do. I am that awesome)

Besides, even if I were lactose intolerant, I'd still take the extra and sell it. Cheesecake is pricey.

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I would probably die if I were lactose intolerant, as I go through two gallons of milk every three days (yes, this is just me). And cheesecake is the awesome.

My information came from a highly reliable source, so I can only conclude that you DID die, and are now undead.

*evil grin*

And you know what we do to undead...

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It really depends on what kind of undead they are. There are several.

Pfft. You undead types is all the same to us.

(What would one call someone who is prejudice against undead? Lifeist? Undeadist? Necroist? I think "necroism" sounds best of those)

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