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Derethil and Honor


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So it could be nothing but if I recall correctly, but something seems kind of strange to me. So we are told that Honor is in the west right? (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) We also learn from Hoid about Derethil who decided to sail west with the intent of finding the source of the Voidbringers. I know it doesn't necessarily mean they are in the same place, but what if the Voidbringers do originate from the same place as where honor is.

Hmmm... Supposing the Parshmen are in fact the Voidbringers, what if they are the descendants of the people from Hoid's story who all went bat shiz crazy and started killing each other because they found out their king, who was in fact Honor, was dead. Let me know if I am totally off base here.

On the other hand, I suppose that Honor would have had to be dead a very long time though considering all the Desolations. Do we have any idea of a timeline for Honor's death with respect to the history of Roshar?

Anywho, feel free to discuss and help me understand this. Peace.

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On the other hand, I suppose that Honor would have had to be dead a very long time though considering all the Desolations. Do we have any idea of a timeline for Honor's death with respect to the history of Roshar?

We know Honor was still alive during the Desolations because he recorded views of the Knights Radiant, who didn't show up until several Desolations had passed.

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Well Brandon said that for sure, Honor still lived at Aharietiam, when the Heralds quit. Since he managed to give Dalinar visions of the Recreance, I think he was alive for that as well. Sure he could have used his future sight to see it happening but it seems odd to me, he could have gotten things wrong. What I really want to see in the next books are the visions that "are born out of [Honor's] fears". I almost want to wonder if his death and the Recreance are tied somehow.

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It might be worthwhile to note that Derethil's name is very similar to the name of the Almighty: Elithanathile.

Sure, it looks like there is only that "thil" that relates them, but the rest of the word is very much the same from a linguistic perspective. D and TH, for example, are almost the same letter (a number of German and English words are only different because our languages shifted one way or the other on that sound). Ending vowels are often dropped, and a vowel shift between a and e is common, so "Tharathile" becomes a very plausibly corrupted version of Elithanathile. The main problem is just that there is no common consonant shift that I am aware of to turn an N into an R, or vice versa. Though if we allow for possible scribing errors, then that becomes much more likely. And if we take into consideration the influence of Jewish culture on the story already, turning Thanathile into El'Thanathile (aka, Elithanathile) isn't much of a step if Derethil was to be deified.

Also, Elithanathile appears very similarly to a ketek. I wonder, then, if its various components reveal important information.

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Wait, so unless I misread your post, Derethil went to find the Voidbringers, found some random guys and told them the emperor was dead, and they became the Voidbringers?

Then again, I do think that the island people will be important. Especially the girl who was brought back. I wonder if she has descendants?

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No the people being the Voidbringers doesn't make sense. Lol I am not sure what I was thinking. The main point I wished to make is that I thought it was strange that Honor is supposedly in the west and for some reason Derethil thought that the Voidbringers originated in the west as well.

I really like the study of language that is going on here. Those are some interesting things!

I had totally forgot about the girl who they brought back! Definitely something going on there. Oh man here I go again... how long has the Nightwatcher been around? What if it's her! Dun Dun Dun!

P.S. I have no reason to believe that other than it would be an interesting turn of events.

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So it could be nothing but if I recall correctly, but something seems kind of strange to me. So we are told that Honor is in the west right? (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) We also learn from Hoid about Derethil who decided to sail west with the intent of finding the source of the Voidbringers. I know it doesn't necessarily mean they are in the same place, but what if the Voidbringers do originate from the same place as where honor is.

Wait a minute, we're forgetting something. It's impossible to sail any direction but west if you're going to sail in a Highstorm. Derethil may very well have wanted to sail all the way around the world.

As for Thought's thoughts (that was on purpose), Elithanathile is symmetrical because it is sacred, just like a ketek.

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Wait a minute, we're forgetting something. It's impossible to sail any direction but west if you're going to sail in a Highstorm. Derethil may very well have wanted to sail all the way around the world.

As for Thought's thoughts (that was on purpose), Elithanathile is symmetrical because it is sacred, just like a ketek.

I've never been sailing in a hurricane, and have only been real sailing twice, but you can in fact sail up wind.

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I've never been sailing in a hurricane, and have only been real sailing twice, but you can in fact sail up wind.

At the level of technology that had to exist in Roshar at that point? Against highstorms that are going to come every few days and blow you westward, without fail? I'm surprised people can even keep course.

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Well let's see. I believe it stated that the ship itself was specially designed to weather a highstorm, but the lack of specificity as to it's capabilities doesn't do much for us. Sailing west with the storm would definitely, in my land-lubber opinion, be an easier task. On the other hand, you would think he had some reason to believe that west would be the direction to look for the Voidbringers, considering he left with the purpose of finding their birthplace/homeland/origin/whatever/etc.

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Actually somewhat counter intuitively as far as I know the best way to ride out a high storm would be to punch into it. reef sails, out oars and row into the storm, most ships have more reserve buoyancy towards the bow, so they need to point towards the storm to get over the waves.

*Naval Architecture student moment over*

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Well let's see. I believe it stated that the ship itself was specially designed to weather a highstorm, but the lack of specificity as to it's capabilities doesn't do much for us. Sailing west with the storm would definitely, in my land-lubber opinion, be an easier task. On the other hand, you would think he had some reason to believe that west would be the direction to look for the Voidbringers, considering he left with the purpose of finding their birthplace/homeland/origin/whatever/etc.

It may have gotten garbled over the years. Random idea: what if the actual upshot of this voyage is the creation of the Knights Radiant? We know that it's post-Desolation, but do we assume the Knights Radiant were there for -every- Desolation? Or were they formed after a particular one? And if they were, maybe the origin that they are talking about isn't the Voidbringers, but Honor's. Actually... doesn't this somewhat fit the parallel drawn between this chapter and Dalinar later? Dalinar at the top of a tower, declaring that the Knights Radiant will stand again....

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It may have gotten garbled over the years. Random idea: what if the actual upshot of this voyage is the creation of the Knights Radiant? We know that it's post-Desolation, but do we assume the Knights Radiant were there for -every- Desolation? Or were they formed after a particular one? And if they were, maybe the origin that they are talking about isn't the Voidbringers, but Honor's. Actually... doesn't this somewhat fit the parallel drawn between this chapter and Dalinar later? Dalinar at the top of a tower, declaring that the Knights Radiant will stand again....

We know the Knights Radiant were formed after Nohadon's desolation.

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I thought he was just trying to get to Origin because it was the source of the Highstorms. Given the low tech level of the prologue, it seems odd they could make a sturdy enough ship to plow through Highstorms during the Desolations.

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