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Heliophobic Flower


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I received the first Mistborn novel for Christmas one year from my mother-in-law (if I recall correctly), who had randomly grabbed it off of the shelf because she thought it might interest me. For two years, I had no idea what was sitting on my bookshelf untouched.

I burned through the trilogy as quickly as possible, absorbing and enjoying every wonderful detail. I even forced my wife to read it. Though she enjoyed it (slightly less than I did), she can't get over the fact that Brandon Sanderson is largely a Young Adult writer. Had my wife had any say in the writing of the book, Min's character, and her interactions with male characters, would have been "slightly" different.

Despite that, she was the first to point out Sanderson's (no longer) new Mistborn novel, Alloy of Law. Absolutely amazing what he did with that story, advancing the timeline and still using the rules of the first trilogy in a completely new age, for completely different purposes and applications.


I put off reading the Wheel of Time for so long... I finished Robert Jordan's last book, but it had been so long since A Memory of Light was released that I had forgotten much of what I had read. I wanted to pour through the series again, but that is a massive undertaking, particularly since I had started over halfway through the first book, again halfway through the second, again after book 5, and then again up to Jordan's last book. So... I looked up forgotten details on the internet and picked up Brandon Sandersons conclusion to the series. Three very enjoyable books.

He had a monumental task in delivering a solid conclusion to the Wheel of Time, and I personally believe he did a great job of it. The characters I had read about, over and over and over in many cases, were still the characters that I remembered.


Now, for the Stormlight Chronicles... I don't know what to say, other than that series is turning out to be my all-time favorite series that I have ever had the pleasure of reading! The details of the various cultures and religions, the use of stormlight in so many different ways, the spren, etc. I have absolutely no qualms with this series so far. I know a lot of people have trouble with some of Brandon's novels, even some of his fans, because of the way he writes. People also complain that Jackson draws out too many of his battle scenes in The Lord of the Rings...

I happen to enjoy and write similarly to Brandon Sanderson, which is probably a large part of the reason why I enjoy his books so much. I am reading what I like to write (though, I'll admit, my skill is about 17 Shards lower...)


Anyway, I discovered my favorite author entirely by accident, ignoring his existence for two years as he sat on my shelf gathering dust. The moment I opened the first Mistborn novel, I could never go back. Brandon Sanderson is who I wish I could be, though I probably never will. Procrastination and all that... It's a real killer to finishing a book.


Glad to be here!!! Sorry for the super long intro.

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Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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