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Kalad meets Kaladin


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This may have been discussed before, but I can't find it.


Kalad from Warbreaker actually met​ Kaladin. Can you imagine what he was thinking when he heard that name? "My name is famous enough in this universe to have spread to this world??? Who's stupid idea was that?!"


Of course, it wasn't a stupid idea. It was brilliant. Because it's Sanderson.

Edited by Arthur Dent
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Unfortunately, Kalak is not Kalad, unless Vasher worldhopped to Roshar after Returning, became a Herald, hopped back to Nalthis for Warbreaker and Nightblood, and then worldhopped back to be a boring old Ardent. More to the point, though, we have WoB that you can only Return if you are born on Nalthis, though I cannot seem to find it at the moment...

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Also just saw this WoB http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/13720-worldhoppers-from-roshar/?p=171020

According to this the Heralds are bound to the Roshar system, and haven't left it in the past 4500 years.

On a side note it also means Nalan didn't get Nightblood himself and used someone else, or it was already in the Rosharan system.

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On a side note it also means Nalan didn't get Nightblood himself and used someone else, or it was already in the Rosharan system.


My personal theory on this is that Vasher went to Roshar with Nightblood, and lost Nightblood on Roshar in some way. It seems too coincidental to me that Vasher would lose Nightblood (whom is then taken to Roshar), and then travels to Roshar himself for the Stormlight, and it just so happens to be the same place Nightblood was taken.

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Maybe he went to Roshar because he wanted Nightblood back.


I'm going to assume that Nightblood ended up on Roshar b/c of Vasher. Maybe he wanted to leave Sel in peace and needed a place to store the damned evil thing...

Edited by dayman
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I don't think Vasher went to Roshar looking for Nightblood due to a WoB, but the WoB does leave room for the possibility.


This makes me believe that Stormlight is the primary motive for the move, as it rules out all the other worlds we have seen so far. In addition, Stormlight is far more accessible, and by not using Breath Vasher feels no guilt for consuming someone's soul. I feel that the Stormlight substitute is too "good" of a reason that if Vasher went for any other reason it just wouldn't make sense and would be too coincidental. Plus, I think the concept of Naln sending a world hopping agent to steal a sword is too convoluted. How did Naln even learn of Nightblood's existence? Especially if Naln himself is not a worldhopper.

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