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Way Of Kings chapter 11 Epigraphs

Lord Tavash Shar

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“Three of sixteen ruled, but now the Broken One reigns.” 


I have been rereading Way of Kings after finishing a Reread of the Mistborn trilogy, Elantris, and Warbreaker and noticed something about this sentence.

Are we sure this is referring to Odium?


​The Broken One could also depending on the language refer to the Shattered one, A shattered shard. And the storm father up until the everstrom was created was more or less the subject of almost all worship on Roshar that we have seen/ know of.


Could the Disillusion of the Oath packed by all but one heralded and the surrender of the Knights Radiant actually have strengthen or changed something on Roshar to the point where the Stormfather was stronger than cultivation and Odium?


We know from the letter that Rayes is actually comfortable with the power and nature of Odium so the argument could be made that he as a person is broken, but Odium it self is not fractured. Making the title of Broken one not fit him.


In addition he is not on Roshar. His Presence is felt but the shard it self is on Braize. 

The Stormfather as the shattered remnants of Tanavast/Honor and currently the primary/only god of several different kingdoms on Roshar makes more sense for this Epigraph to be the one being referred to and, If this theory is correct, Raises some interesting questions of what is happening to cultivation right now.


To really get an Idea of that I would love to get some more concreet quotes on what the eastern peoples of Roshar who do worship cultivation have to say on there godess.

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I'll admit to slothfulness and only digging up one link, but this topic has been brought up dozens of times in various threads, such as this one: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/13382-three-of-sixteen-ruled-but-now-the-broken-one-reigns/ The general conclusion seems to always land on the fact that we have far too little to go off of to form any meaningful speculation.


EDIT: Oh yeah, I actually made one of those threads. Forgot about that.



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