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I have a question...


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Dragonsteel is (was) available in the BYU library if you can get there.


Brandon's team is very quick to respond to emails about Aether and White Sand, in my experience. When you're done them, PM me and I can invite you to our PM group to discuss them privately.

Edited by Moogle
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Definitely Available


White Sand

Aether of Night


Possibly Available (I'm like 75% sure these are available, but they are unfinished or something?)

Mistborn Prime

Final Empire Prime

(other books?)


I do know that he will not send out WoK Prime (or Dragonsteel, for that you need to get the BYU copy)


Anyway I would ask Peter, he should know.  Or ask Brandon.

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Or you can ask me. :P


Brandon is currently sending out White Sand and Aether of Night.


Mistborn Prime and Final Empire Prime are both done, but they're both in very rough form, and just didn't work out as Brandon wanted them to. Those two used to be the books that he sent out, but of late he's switched to White Sand and Aether. As for Dragonsteel, that you have to get from BYU, and WoK Prime is way off limits, as it apparently contains spoilers for later in the series.

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Another thing to look into:


Warbreaker Prime is available here, but Brandon gave up on it and it is unfinished. It has some elements of Feruchemy in it, which is neat. It wasn't a very good book in my opinion, but I enjoyed it anyways just because I could see a lot of the elements in it that ended up in later books.

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