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No more Saturday morning cartoons?


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A stray comment in relation to cartoons in one of the other forums got me to wondering.  Do they still have cartoons on Saturday mornings?  A quick google search brought up this startlingly recent article.


This Is the First Weekend in America With No Saturday Morning Cartoons




It actually gave me a the-world-just-changed kind of moment.  Granted I haven't actually watched them in decades but it is the kind of thing I just kind of always assumed was there.  :huh:  


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Eh, I don't think it's a big deal. After all, the way media is distributed nowadays has changed. There might not be any Saturday morning cartoons, but that's because they're on the stations website or something; that's whats happening Korra at the moment.


(-Which makes me curious as to how they are going to air seasons three and four of Korra in the UK, but that's a different story).


Heck, the only time I even bother to watch a show "live" these days is in the case of season finales. 

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The point for quite a lot of us over say 30 years old is that it is something we grew up with as a phenomenon of our culture.  You may not feel any emotional effect but I for one have quite a few fond memories in my childhood getting up to watch Saturday morning cartoons.  A bit like going back to your old home town and seeing your old school building torn down.   Maybe that corner store that you always went to as a kid is gone now.  That kind of thing.  To some degree expected or at least understandable but still a bit jarring on an emotional level. -_-

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I understand the nostalgia of it.  I used to watch Ghostbusters, Pound Puppies, Muppet Babies, Mighty Mouse, Garfield & Friends, the Smurfs, Winnie the Pooh, and so much more, which were on Saturday mornings in the 80's.  (I know that dates me.)  Now they're going the way of after school specials... *sniffle *

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The point for quite a lot of us over say 30 years old is that it is something we grew up with as a phenomenon of our culture.  You may not feel any emotional effect but I for one have quite a few fond memories in my childhood getting up to watch Saturday morning cartoons.  A bit like going back to your old home town and seeing your old school building torn down.   Maybe that corner store that you always went to as a kid is gone now.  That kind of thing.  To some degree expected or at least understandable but still a bit jarring on an emotional level. -_-


Saturday morning cartoons are still a tradition over here: my kids watch them every week-end and me by the default :ph34r: I can't wait for them to grow up and start to tune in more evolved cartoons :lol:

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