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Strength of Aluminum

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Heyo all.


Hopefully a quick one today. 


Does the thickness of aluminum impact its blocking ability? For instance, would aluminum foil thickness lined hat stop the emotional allomancy of Rashek? Would aluminum foil thickness lined jacket stop any surgebinding of any strength?  Would aluminum foil wrapped around a piece of cloth stop Susebron from awakening it?


I believe that with Rashek effecting blocks of the city at a time, that his power would be too great for something as thin as aluminum foil to stop. 


Do we have an answer on this?

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I’m wondering about the idea that you can block emotional Allomancy with an aluminum lined hat.

Brandon Sanderson



Okay.  So I’m wondering how much aluminum is required.  So like, an aluminum colander, versus an aluminum headband, versus…

Brandon Sanderson

Right.  Alright.  So, I’ll be honest with you.  The idea of a tinfoil hat was so intriguing to me, basically, that I made sure this was part of the magic system.  I say it has to be tinfoil, at least. Thicker is probably better, the way these things work. I’ll try not to do spoilers.  When Hoid lets somebody use aluminum to block signals, he was going with something that you would be able to bend a little bit by pulling on it, but wouldn’t be able to fold it down.  I’d put a bare minimum, if you want to be extra sure, on that, but lining your hat with tinfoil is viable. Particularly in the later eras of Mistborn, when some of the powers are decreasing.

Legion Release Party (Sept. 19, 2018)


In Allomancy, aluminum won't be able to be pushed or pulled, right?

Brandon Sanderson



So if you put a piece of steel like a gun barrel, and then you surround it with aluminum, can you still push the gun barrel?

Brandon Sanderson

The aluminum will add some interference, it's gonna depend on how thick the aluminum is. It's probably unfeasible. That is a viable concept, I don't think it's feasible on a gun barrel.

Words of Radiance Seattle signing (March 8, 2014)

I've been searching through the WoB's about this, and the closest I can get to a viable answer are these. Here he is saying that the thickness of the Aluminum does matter, especially in the case of emotional Allomancy, but also in relation to pushing and pulling. There is also another one that states that it is not necessary to have a full "shield" of Aluminum for emotional Allomancy, as it essentially creates a "field" that will protect the wearer. 



Is aluminum shielding from emotional Allomancy strictly line of sight? So, can someone in the basement bypass somebody’s aluminum hat on the first floor

Brandon Sanderson

No, they could not. You just put enough aluminum there and it disrupts.


So it disrupts like a field.

Brandon Sanderson


Shadows of Self San Francisco signing (Oct. 9, 2015)

So, I think with these quotes, we can conclude that, a thin sheet of Aluminum may not be enough to protect against the most powerful of Allomantic emotional manipulation, but there is an amount that definitely will, and that seems to be a thick enough piece that you can still bend it with your hands, but not fold it over. 

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