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Hi, turtle here!

I’ve been lurking for probably about 2 months now, but thought I should actually introduce myself. So hello! I’m mostly here to see theories, and formulate my own but little time and forgetfulness means I probably won’t post much.

that being said though I started the cosmere with mistborn era 1 back in like, 2015? Something like that? Didn’t realize there was more to it though until I picked up the stormlight archives early 2022, and have since put probably over 1000 hours into reading, re-reading, and researching things about the cosmere. So I’m excited to make new theories, and see what other people already have! 

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4 hours ago, NinjaTurtle said:

Hi, turtle here!

I’ve been lurking for probably about 2 months now, but thought I should actually introduce myself. So hello! I’m mostly here to see theories, and formulate my own but little time and forgetfulness means I probably won’t post much.

that being said though I started the cosmere with mistborn era 1 back in like, 2015? Something like that? Didn’t realize there was more to it though until I picked up the stormlight archives early 2022, and have since put probably over 1000 hours into reading, re-reading, and researching things about the cosmere. So I’m excited to make new theories, and see what other people already have! 

Hey, Welcome! 1000 hours is impressive, so well done!

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18 hours ago, NinjaTurtle said:

Hi, turtle here!

I’ve been lurking for probably about 2 months now, but thought I should actually introduce myself. So hello! I’m mostly here to see theories, and formulate my own but little time and forgetfulness means I probably won’t post much.

that being said though I started the cosmere with mistborn era 1 back in like, 2015? Something like that? Didn’t realize there was more to it though until I picked up the stormlight archives early 2022, and have since put probably over 1000 hours into reading, re-reading, and researching things about the cosmere. So I’m excited to make new theories, and see what other people already have! 

Welcome to the Shard! Nice to meet you :D

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